Capricorn 2020 April Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn 2020 April Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF APR 2020: A lot is possible as loving Venus trines your motivated power planet Saturn on April 4. It’s an excellent time to make long-term investments in both money and romance, as well as recommit to any current assignments or items on your to-do list. You’re determined to get things done, and it shows.

Communicative Mercury enters powerful Aries on the tenth, giving you the chance to finally get some things off your chest. You aren’t hesitant to talk about what you want and need now, which might catch some people by surprise. But guess what? This confident new version of you isn’t going anywhere for at least a couple weeks!

A sun-Saturn square on April 21 brings your responsibilities into focus and might ruin a bit of your fun, but, quite frankly, you’re used to it. You’re not happy about canceling plans you were looking forward to so you can help a friend or relative with something, but it’s the right thing to do so you do it.

Talkative Mercury enters solid Taurus on the twenty-seventh, so you’ll have plenty of time to think things over before finally speaking your piece. This is a slow-moving energy, dedicated to accuracy and logic more than hastiness and drama. This is the time to harness your crazy dreams and far-out ideas and turn them into something real.