Capricorn 2019 May Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF MAY 2019: Just because your home planet Saturn is retrograde during its square to Mercury on May 1 doesn’t mean it won’t be influential. Your brain is still capable of making romantic decisions even though they might be difficult. Work on communicating more effectively.
A new Taurus moon on the fourth puts your finances in the spotlight. If you share a bank account with a partner, this is a good time to go over your mutual goals and expectations. If you’re single, think about how much money you’ve been spending on pursuing romance. If a dating app isn’t paying off (literally), delete it.
The Venus-Uranus conjunction on May 18 helps you get out of your romantic routine, but because it’s in the steady sign of Taurus, changes are slow to happen. Don’t complain too much about a romantic situation taking forever to develop, though. Letting anticipation build is a huge turn-on.
Feeling in the dark lately? You should be able to start to put together the pieces of a romantic puzzle as the sun enters perceptive Gemini on the twenty-first. You’ll feel much better as the full picture begins to materialize.
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