Capricorn 2019 Horoscope Overview

It’s not easy carrying the weight of the world, is it, Capricorn?
But with Saturn and Pluto staying put in your sign, the load won’t get any lighter in 2019… unless, that is, you learn to honor your own limits. Some burdens are rightfully yours, but if you’ve taken on responsibilities that don’t belong to you, it’s time to take them off your plate.
That’s easier said than done, especially with the South Node (also in your sign) amping up your workaholic ways. Fortunately, three eclipses in your sign (solar January 5 and December 25, lunar July 16) reveal these self-punishing habits for what they are, and help you let them go.
After all, Capricorn, we know that somewhere beneath the stern exterior, there’s a sense of humor just dying to come out and play! And this year, with Jupiter in Sagittarius, you’re feeling more playful—and hopeful—than ever. Venus conjuncts Jupiter twice this year (January 22 and November 24), giving you reason to believe that whatever happens, it’s all for the best.
True, with Jupiter also squaring Neptune in Pisces this year (January 13, June 16, and September 21), Pollyannaish optimism is something to watch out for. But you’re also tapping into deep inner sources of wisdom and love—and that’s something you can trust!
Let your intuition be your guide, especially during Mercury’s extended stay in Pisces (February 10-April 16). If you’ve got any major decisions to make, though, be sure logic gets a seat at the table—Mercury’s retrograde from March 5-28 can make critical thinking a challenge.
“Logical” or “practical” concerns often weigh you down, Capricorn. But with Uranus entering Taurus on March 6, this year you’re ready to shake them off and have some fun!
It’ll take some time, effort, and careful planning to make it work. But by the Virgo new moon on August 30, the conditions are right to begin a new adventure. With a Grand Earth Trine at this new moon—including five planets in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and Pluto in your sign—freedom and responsibility go hand in hand.
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