Capricorn 2018 November Love Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2018: Love isn’t effortless in November. The sensitive sun-Neptune trine on the sixth provides a more caring, spiritual outlook that makes you see taking care of others as one of the most important things you can do. This is a new side to you, and current partners will appreciate your self-sacrificing efforts.
Beautiful Venus is retrograde when she forms a trine to passionate Mars on the ninth, which means your social life should increase – but not without some complications. Venus retrograde puts a damper on romance, but don’t let that stop you from trying. With passionate Mars in the mix, the ends justify the means.
Mercury retrograde in fiery Sagittarius on November 16 puts an adventurous spin on all communications, but watch out for (maybe literal) roadblocks when it comes to traveling for love. Romantic plans to meet up with a partner or date in an exotic location are thwarted through no fault of your own, so always have a backup plan in place.
You’re willing to work hard to reach your romantic goals during the Mars-Saturn sextile on the twenty-seventh, but this might be a marathon instead of a sprint. If someone’s worth it, let the endurance training begin!
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