Cancer September 2017 Horoscope

Cancer September 2017 Horoscope

Are you ready for a month of fulfilled promises connected to your earning potential? Well, ready or not — here it comes!

Back on August 21 a dazzling Solar Eclipse breathed new life into the area of your chart connected to earned income. Unfortunately, during the same time Mercury was traveling retrograde, making it ever so frustrating for you to move forward with new ideas or opportunities aimed to enhance your cash flow. As September begins, however, all of the aggravation will begin to melt away.
You’ll see this as early as September 5, when Mercury turns direct in the same area of your chart that eclipse occurred — and at the very same degree! This precise math is quite significant, astrologically speaking, because it will trigger that eclipse into action. In fact, Mars will do the very same thing on September 3! As you can see, the universe means business now — get ready to implement a major plan that will help you make more money.

One possible reason you’ll find yourself so much more marketable now might have to do with completing a certification or licensing program for your industry. This might occur near September 6, and if it happens, you’ll feel as if you’ve reached a true educational milestone.

In other news, you’ll also find that this September your words have more bite to them than usual. After September 5, you’ll have no trouble speaking up for yourself and letting the world know what you want — and exactly how you want it. You’ll have the courage to express your ideas in a logical, well-thought-out manner until October 22. Use this time to nail an important presentation or to negotiate your way through the most detailed contract or other agreement. If you want anything this month Cancer, all you have to do is ask. No, actually, declare. No one in the world would dare to refuse you now.


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