Cancer 2020 November Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2020: You’ve been able to rely on your instincts through most of this past Mercury retrograde cycle, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t just as happy as everyone else that it ends on November 3. Now that Mercury is paired up with airy Libra, your love-related communication issues take an even bigger turn for the better.
However, Mercury leaves easygoing Libra to go back into intense Scorpio again on the tenth, and while you can identify with a lot of the emotions brought forth from this watery energy, your motives for keeping things quiet are quite different. When you keep secrets now, it’s more out of shyness than wanting to be mysterious or elusive.
Your ruler moon is new and in Scorpio’s confident sign on November 14, so whatever your romantic plans, they should succeed. This is a time when you get to start fresh, Cancer. New beginnings are ripe with possibility.
The sun begins its expansive journey through knowledge-seeking Sagittarius on the twenty-first, and love becomes an adventure of the most daring kind. If your current partner doesn’t challenge you, you’ll be seeking others who do. If you’re single, look for fire signs like Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius to ignite your passions.