Cancer 2019 October Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF OCT 2019: Reinventing yourself and your love life is your main objective when Pluto goes direct in hardworking Capricorn on October 3. If you aren’t happy with the way things are, this is the perfect day to dig in and make changes, starting from the inside out.
There’s a dramatic full moon in spontaneous Aries on the thirteenth, so it might seem as though everything is up in the air. This can add some excitement to your love life, but you do better with a plan. Try not to focus as much on winning as just being happy.
You can get on board with the intense energy coming from the sun-Scorpio pairing on October 23, especially since you’re feeling highly intuitive now. Do you sense things about other people before they tell you their life story? Use that direct line to your subconscious to leave an incredible impression on someone.
The sun-Uranus opposition on the twenty-eighth could bring stress and tension to a relationship that already has its share of problems, or it could cause you to be nervous around someone new. If unexpected news brings a sense of dread instead of excitement, wait a while before you react publicly.
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