Cancer 2019 Horoscope Overview

We love the way you love us, Cancer. But in 2019, it’s time to put our needs on the back burner for a while and focus on your own.
After all, with the North Node in your sign, self-care can be a path to spiritual growth—especially around the Cancer new moon and total solar eclipse on July 2. Tune in to your body and your emotions, ask what they need to feel safe and secure… then go out and get it for yourself.
Just be conscious of how you go about meeting your needs—some approaches work better than others. From June 14-19, a Mercury-Mars conjunction in your sign opposes retrograde Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, making direct communication an absolute must.
You may think you’re getting your point across, but subtle hints are likely to fly under the radar—or worse, be read as passive-aggressive. Don’t side-step the issue, Cancer; if you’ve got something to say, come out and say it! Just be prepared to repeat yourself when retrograde Mercury revisits your sign (July 19-August 11).
Communication breakthroughs are finally possible at the Virgo new moon on August 30, when five planets in Virgo link up with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus to form a Grand Earth Trine.
This helps you choose precisely the right words, and be more realistic and pragmatic—less emotional or sentimental—about social interactions. Clearing away mental and emotional clutter from the past can help you see a new way forward in relationships of all kinds.
The Virgo new moon also activates one of the year’s most significant aspects: the Jupiter-Neptune square, which will be exact for the third and final time on September 21. This challenges you to accept once and for all that nobody’s perfect… not even you.
Ultimately, Cancer, this year is about learning to love yourself (and others) as you are, not as you think you should be—and that little shift can make a huge difference to your overall health and happiness.
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