
From August 12 on, you might be thinking more about the past when it comes to your love life. If...
Thanks to the eclipses this month, it really will be all about love. The Lunar Eclipse on August 7 reminds...
This month will be exceptional for you professionally. On August 2, two key astrological events take place and both will...
Relationships -- and your social life in general -- are on fire this month! First, a New Moon in your...
If you're thinking about making a significant investment, this might be the month to act. After August 2, there's every...
You'll feel as if you're on top of the world this month thanks to Mars moving into your sign on...
This could be a banner month for your career. If you're looking to start a new business venture, aim to...
Get ready for a fun-filled month! After August 2, you might decide it's time to shake things up and mingle...
This month starts off quietly, but don't let that fool you -- there's amazing potential. First, it's possible that you'll...
This is your month! A New Moon in Leo on August 2 will be your annual lunation to set your...
Are you ready for a financial boost? After August 2, that's exactly what the universe has planned. Of course, you'll...
If you're a writer, it's possible that you'll begin a new project after August 2 that you'll find exceptionally creative...
Get ready for a happy new start in your domestic world. It's possible that after August 2, you'll begin a...
If you're single, it's quite possible that you're about to meet someone special after August 2. He or she will...
Looking to the stars for a bit of insight into who you are and what your best personality traits are...
Have you ever noticed that almost everyone you come across in life handles anger in their own, weird way? I've...
With so many people on the planet, securing love can be a serious undertaking. How to cut through all those...
A Mercury/Uranus square on July 4 causes unfortunate and unpredictable communication glitches, which can put a major crimp in your...