
You have a hard time deciphering who’s real and who’s fake during the sun/Neptune opposition on September 5, and your...
Flirting with your crush is easy when chatty Mercury turns direct on September 5. Words flow easily and you’re charming...
Exciting opportunities to improve your work life and your health are in store this month! The seeds for these possibilities...
A bright new beginning is possible in relationship matters this month! Back on August 21 a potent Solar Eclipse fell...
Your mind is your greatest asset this month and communication will certainly be in your wheelhouse. Mars moves into your...
You're not the type of person who's willing to settle, Sagittarius. In fact, living a "meh" life just isn't in...
Your star is definitely rising, Scorpio! The potential of the August 21 Solar Eclipse at the top of your chart...
If there ever was a time when you were a master at winning friends and influencing people, that time is...
You're like a magician this month, Virgo, quietly working on a creative pursuit or other passionate endeavor that soon --...
This September, Leo, you'll be ready to claim your crown and rightful place on the throne of your personal kingdom....
Are you ready for a month of fulfilled promises connected to your earning potential? Well, ready or not -- here...
If you've felt silenced or misunderstood recently, take heart: this month you will FINALLY get your voice back! In late...
Your inner domestic goddess will continue to shine this month. What will make your heart truly smile, however, is that...
Aries, you might assume that it's only natural for you to come down from the incredible high you've been on...
Zodiac can be defined as a region in the sky that is divided into 12 constellations. These constellations are found...
Sagittarius (23rd November - 21st December) The Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign, ruled by planet Jupiter and symbolized by the...
Pisces (20th February - 20th March) Pisces is the 12th and the last sign of the zodiac, ruled by planet Neptune...
Aquarius (21st January - 19th February) Ruled by planet Saturn and symbolized by the water bearer, the Aquarius is the eleventh...