
The new moon is a chance to release yourself from concerns and attachments that have been holding you back, freeing...
The ancient system of astrology developed by the Celts had a very deep meaning. Although this system is not universally...
Flirting might come naturally to some, but for most of us, things can get pretty awkward, pretty fast. Luckily, astrology...
Aries February 2019 Monthly Horoscope MONTH OF FEB 2019: Can you say “no retrogrades”?! February is a short month during which...
Sin is very easy to commit to, especially since it's almost everywhere you look. There is hardly anyone out in...
Take a moment to look at the six stones you see above. Without thinking too hard about it, pick a...
Aries February 2019 Love Horoscope MONTH OF FEB 2019: February has no retrogrades, so does that mean your love life will...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: The Mars-Pluto square on February 1 gets your month off to an aggressive start. Going after...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: There are a lot of romantic options in front of you during the Venus-Uranus trine on...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: February has no retrogrades, so a determined sign like you should be able to get a...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: Even if you’re normally shy (not a common Sagittarian characteristic!), you don’t have a hard time...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: A square between your co-rulers Mars and Pluto on February 1 creates power struggles and other...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: Things get experimental and maybe even a little kinky when Venus trines Uranus on February 2....
MONTH OF FEB 2019: Your power planet Mercury sextiles expansive Jupiter on February 3, inviting you to have interesting discussions...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: What happens when your ruler sun spends time in intellectual Aquarius at the start of the...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: Seeking pleasure is your main goal during the Venus-Neptune trine on February 2, and this positive...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: What direction will your month take? The new moon drifts into logical Aquarius on February 4,...
MONTH OF FEB 2019: Taurus Your supportive goddess Venus spends time in goal-oriented Capricorn starting on February 3, making it...