Leo – 2023 August Monthly Horoscope

Your finance house lord Mercury is creating ‘Dhan Yog’ from the beginning of this month, to improve your financial scenario and help you to manage everything effortlessly. Your seventh house lord Saturn is moving through retrograde motion, during this entire month, to become an assertive result-giving planet for you, reducing your struggles and worries.

You should not strike any deal of landed properties, after the 17th of this month, when the Sun will receive unwanted aspects from retrograde Saturn and Rahu. Although the divine aspect of Jupiter will be there on your sign, the third house of efforts and the fifth house of talents, during this entire month, to protect you from unwanted scenarios, up to an extent.

The Association of Jupiter and Rahu in your luck house and aspect of retrograde Saturn on them is suggesting you avoid investing your idle funds, in any lucrative scheme.

From the 18th of this month, Mars will be there in your second house of finances, in Virgo sign, to create a strong ‘Yog’, which is indicating your free hand, allowing you to think about expanding your network, without hesitation. This rare ‘Yog’ is going to continue till the 3rd of October, for your information.

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