Aries Woman: In Love & Sex Life

Aries Woman: In Love & Sex Life

Relationships with these wild and headstrong creatures are not for the faint of heart – a female Aries will keep you on your toes with her fiery energy, blunt honesty, and satirical sense of humor. In all relationships, romantic or professional, equality is essential to the Aries woman. She will not tolerate chauvinism, being talked down to, or injustices of any kind. You honestly do not want to argue with an Aries because you won’t win, ever – even if you’re right!

The feminine Aries energy makes for passionate and generous lovers, delightfully fun friends, and excellent creative contributors. Sex with an Aries woman can be a combustible affair, a veritable bonfire of passion that can be completely consuming. Can you keep up with her? Check your love compatibility with Aries.

Aries rules the first house, which is all about physicality – so you’ll discover that a female Aries lives fully in her body. The physical world is her natural domain, so a purely intellectual or emotional affair will simply not do for this glittering torch of a woman. She needs sexual connection on a regular basis to keep her happy (and healthy), so don’t neglect loving on your Aries lady if you want her to stick around.

Can you trust your Aries woman? Well, that all depends on whether you give her a good reason not to wander off toward more exciting connections. A roving eye and appreciation for a sexy body kept fit and taut are hallmarks for this wild woman, so keep in shape if you want to keep up with her!


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