Aries March 2019 Love Horoscope

MONTH OF MAR 2019: Are you ready for something new and maybe a bit unconventional? Love goddess Venus enters quirky Aquarius on March 1, giving off experimental vibes. Whether you’re in a committed relationship right now or not, you strive for freedom.
Mercury goes retrograde on the fifth, creating some romantic headaches. Dating apps might unexpectedly shut down, making it hard to make new connections. Planning on going to see a long-distance love? Flight delays are a very real possibility during Mercury retrograde. Be patient, Aries.
Your aggressive home planet Mars trines hardworking Saturn on March 14, so set those romantic goals high. If you’ve been procrastinating, it’s time to get to work. You can do this.
A loving Venus-Jupiter sextile on the twenty-first gives you the warm fuzzies, and your desire to hug and cuddle could be a surprise to a current partner. Single Rams might be interested in romance more than sex, which is a pretty big turnaround. It won’t last long, but it’s nice for a while.
Sexual Mars enters fickle Gemini on the thirtieth, so what (and who) you want isn’t easy to predict. Your mood changes from one minute to the next, so to say it takes a lot of excitement to keep you interested now is an understatement.
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