Aries June 2019 Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2019: You’re usually in a rush to get your point across (loudly), but when talkative Mercury meets up with sensitive Cancer on June 4, your speech becomes softer and less rushed. This helps you communicate better with a partner or someone you’re trying to get to know better.
Love-focused Venus floats into airy Gemini’s sign on the eighth, giving love a more fluid, versatile feel. If you’re in a relationship but feeling a bit restless, it might be time to explore your options. Single Rams have a lot of interesting dating choices now, and a good match for you is someone who wants to learn more about the world and explore it with you.
Your energy is low during the Mars-Neptune trine on June 14, but your love life doesn’t have to suffer. Choose dating activities that are more casual and sedentary than you usually plan, like watching a movie or going out to eat.
A Mars-Pluto retrograde opposition on the nineteenth gives you the urge to explore your deepest desires, and if your needs aren’t being met, you might want to make some changes. Figuring out what you really want is the first (and most important) step to getting it.
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