Aries February 2019 Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF FEB 2019: Can you say “no retrogrades”?! February is a short month during which your life should be headed in a forward direction like the planets – for the most part. A Mars-Pluto square on February 1 presents its share of power struggles, but you’re in firm control of your own destiny.
A Mercury-Mars sextile on the seventh speeds things up, so your reflexes and reaction times are on point. Your usual urge to succeed is in overdrive, letting you accomplish just about anything you set your mind to.
Your power planet Mars enters stubborn Taurus on February 14, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Hmm. Do you want to spend this romantic day arguing, Aries, or would you rather choose love? Your decision!
The moon moves into sexy Scorpio on the twenty-third, so you’re prone to deeper expressions and solid commitments. This extends to platonic relationships, too, so strengthening a friendship is a good possibility.
The sun-Mars sextile on February 27 boosts your confidence and makes everything seem possible. Focus on your number one priority and avoid procrastination as much as possible.
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