Aries 2020 November Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2020: Are you looking forward to improved communication and fewer technological glitches as Mercury goes direct in airy Libra on November 3? If this backwards transit has negatively affected one or more of the relationships in your life in the last few weeks, you can look forward to them getting back on track soon.
Your ruler, the mighty planet Mars, also goes direct while in your fiery sign on the thirteenth, giving you the strength and stamina to not only compete with the best but to win! Your courage and confidence are at all-time high levels, ensuring that no matter what you try, you can basically will yourself not to fail.
A new moon in secretive Scorpio on November 14 inspires you to explore your dark side, and you’ll be tempted to indulge in habits you know might not be the best for you. This is a time when addictions can be born or resurface, Aries, so watch yourself carefully. Know when to say when.
The brilliant sun enters fun-loving fellow fire sign Sagittarius on the twenty-first, lighting up your world with the excitement you’ve been trying to capture in unhealthy ways lately. You still might be in the mood for risky behavior, but the Archer helps you opt more for adrenaline-producing activities like BMX biking or cliff diving rather than eating or drinking to excess.