Aries 2019 November Monthly Horoscope

Aries 2019 November Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2019: Life is exciting as lovely Venus starts the month in adventurous Sagittarius. What’s on your bucket list? It’s never too early (or late) to start doing the things you want to do, Aries. Life might take you to some pretty interesting places this month if you’re open to new experiences.

When your powerful home planet Mars squares off with changing Pluto on November 5, power struggles and confrontations might be unavoidable. You have a strong desire to get ahead of your peers and colleagues now, but think about what’s truly important before insisting on having everything your way.

Your desire to succeed increases during the sun-Pluto sextile on the thirteenth, but this time you aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead. You can harness excess energy to finish the things on your to-do list without sacrificing any of your personal relationships.

Your power planet Mars teams up with magnetic Scorpio, the other sign it rules, on November 18, so you’ll be attractive and desirable to a wide range of people. This can work to your advantage in almost every area of life if you play your cards right. But just because people want to get close to you doesn’t mean you’ll let them. Maintaining an air of mystery is important to you now.


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