Aquarius September 2018 Love Horoscope

You love change. And the Mercury-Uranus retrograde trine on September 7 gives you the chance to try some innovative (and maybe even radical) forms of communication, but should you try to fix something that’s not broken? That’s the dilemma of a true pioneer – sticking with what works versus moving into new territory that may or may not be successful.
A challenging square between Mars and your home planet of Uranus (in retrograde) creates a lot of the same uncertainty on September 18, but this time, you care a little less about consequences. Acting rashly without regard for what could happen next is probably a mistake, but it’s hard to suppress your need for freedom and complete individuality.
The month ends confidently as the sun trines Mars on the twenty-seventh. Your enthusiasm for love is renewed, and you’re dedicated to making things work. Your gut instincts know the way.
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