Aquarius May 2022 Horoscope

Aquarius May 2022 Horoscope

The confident sun has been moving through your home zone since mid-April, nudging you to nest and tend to your inner life. That will continue to be a major theme for you this month, Aquarius. However, May 15 brings a lunar eclipse and full moon in the opposite sector — your career zone — which will stir you to reflect on how emotional wounds that still require healing could be influencing your professional path. It’s also an opportunity to reconcile your public ambitions with your desire to be present with loved ones and take time for yourself. In other words, now’s a moment to really embrace any healing self-work you may have been putting off. That message is only underlined by messenger Mercury’s retrograde through your self-expression zone from May 10 to 22 and home zone from the 22nd to June 3.

If that all sounds ridiculously heavy, and like you’ll need a break to kick back with your partner or friends, take heart that Gemini season, which kicks off on May 20, will bring more spontaneity, joyfulness, and moments in which you can trust and act on your creative impulses, thanks to the vitality-bringing sun will be moving through your romance zone. And around May 30, when the new moon lands there, you’ll be empowered to set an exhilarating intention related to your artistic and love life.