Aquarius March 2019 Love Horoscope

MONTH OF MAR 2019: Love is experimental when Venus enters your sign and squares your spontaneous home planet Uranus on March 1. There are plenty of unexpected changes to deal with, but you’ll probably welcome them.
Mercury turns retrograde on the fifth, so you won’t be able to count on any of your plans staying the same. You don’t mind dealing with spontaneity, but some major disappoints occur when Mercury retrograde messes with romance. Luckily, it will go direct on the twenty-eighth, at which point you’ll probably welcome a little bit of normalcy.
The sun squares lucky Jupiter on March 13, giving you the confidence to move forward with a romantic plan, but that same confidence can get in the way if you let it. A big ego can quickly become a turnoff.
The sun enters assertive Aries on the twentieth, making it easy for you to be vocal about your wants and needs. You might not always get exactly what you want, but it never hurts to ask.
A fun Venus-Uranus sextile on March 27 injects some laughter into your love life, so let loose with your partner or date. Since when are you worried about what other people think? Your main objective should be to go out, have a good time, and not think about anything else.
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