Aquarius January 2022 Horoscope

Aquarius January 2022 Horoscope

Aquarius, the emphasis on your spiritual zone will last all month and could provide an opportunity to understand yourself in more depth. You might be more inclined to meditate, take time out for a mindful retreat, or enjoy doing more yoga or other helpful practices.

The new moon in this zone on Jan. 2 gets 2022 off to a positive start. It’s a chance to tie up loose ends with the purpose of clearing a space for new developments when the sun enters your sign on the nineteenth. Are you ready to explore more of your potential? You have hidden talents and a dream or coincidence could highlight them during this time. If so, it’s time to put them into practice.

However, Mercury goes into reverse on Jan. 14, so there might be a few hiccups to contend with. You might have to delay certain plans or find that unexpected changes occur that compromise ongoing projects. The best advice is to be prepared, so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute.

You could also be knocked off balance by the full moon across your spiritual axis on the seventeenth. Try to simplify your schedule on that date, and, if you can take a day off, go for it. This is a good time to relax, recharge, and get your bearings.

The sun’s entrance into your sign on Jan. 19 is a reason to celebrate. The coming four weeks are a time to indulge in those things you love to do. Share your ideas, express your opinions, and feed your soul. Don’t worry about seeming selfish. This month is yours to enjoy.

Attractive Venus turns direct in a private zone on Jan. 29, and this could coincide with decisions you’ve been pondering over the past six weeks or so.

Finally, the new moon in your sign on the thirty-first could have an impulsive edge. This is the time to launch new ideas and projects, but make sure you have a sound strategy first.