Aquarius December 2018 Love Horoscope

MONTH OF DEC 2018: Uranus, your power planet, is retrograde all month, and it’s in an interesting opposition with romantic Venus on December 1. This is a strong indication that change is in the air, Aquarius. Even when the new direction isn’t necessarily one you expected, you welcome the chance to evolve and experience new things.
Mercury in Scorpio goes direct on the sixth, which improves dating-related communication issues. If your favorite dating apps and sites have been down recently, expect them to be back up soon. Yay!
The moon travels through your sign from December 10 to December 12, giving you a couple more days to enjoy your uniqueness and individuality. Dating can be a competitive sport, and you have the advantage when you let your true colors show!
A sun-Uranus retrograde trine on the twentieth points out some things you may not have noticed before, but were you better off living in ignorant bliss? You might have no choice but to face the changes that are happening now whether you like them or not.
The sun enters rigid Capricorn on December 21, putting a slight crimp in your dating style. The Ram is a planner and you like to wing it, so your energies don’t always mix well. Being more responsible is an option you aren’t quite ready to embrace.
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