Aquarius 2020 June Monthly Love Horoscope

Aquarius 2020 June Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2020: It’s hard to know which way to turn during the confusing sun-Mars square on June 6. With powerful Mars tangled up in the dreamworld of Pisces, your thoughts can be misleading. Don’t make any decisions about your love life until you can be a little more realistic about what’s really going on.

A sun-Neptune square on the eleventh brings similar uncertainty, but this time your dreams can help unlock the door to clarity. Because Neptune is traveling in Pisces, the dreamy sign it rules, paying attention to what your subconscious is trying to tell you works to your advantage during this stressful time.

Mercury heading retrograde in Cancer on June 17 is unavoidable, but there are some tricks to dealing with this cycle that can help keep your love life from going too far off the rails. First, try not to take things personally. Second, let your intuition lead the way.

The team of determined Mars and powerful Aries on the twenty-seventh helps you end the month on a confident, driven high. Your overly aggressive approach might turn some people off, but that’s okay. There’s someone out there who will appreciate your take-charge attitude!