Aquarius 2020 February Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF FEB 2020: The moon is in curious Gemini on February 3 and February 4, so you’re even more interested in experimentation and innovation. Your detached outlook makes it easy for you to examine things on a scientific level, but you might not be as focused on the details as you should be. Distractions are inevitable. Just make sure you go back at some point and finish what you started.
The Leo full moon on the eighth puts you in a boastful frame of mind, but what makes you think you can do it better than anyone else? Try not to overstep your boundaries when giving advice, Aquarius. Not everyone thinks you’re the genius you think you are right now!
By the time the moon spends time in your sign on February 20 and February 21, unconventionality is appealing. You’re okay playing by the rules at times as long as you get to let your freak flag fly eventually. And what better time than now?! Showing someone your true self is scary but freeing at the same time.
If you’ve been waiting for the right time to launch a new project, do it during the favorable trine between powerful Mars and your home planet Uranus on the twenty-first. You’re ready to take some risks now, and other people are likely to go along with your plans and schemes when you explain them in your own unique way.
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