Aquarius 2019 October Monthly Love Horoscope

Aquarius 2019 October Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF OCT 2019: How long has it been since you’ve felt truly transformational energy? Get ready for Pluto to go direct in Capricorn on October 3, because it brings the opportunity to really go deep into your subconscious for the answers you need in order to make some positive romantic changes.

There’s a lot of excitement in the air during the Mercury-Uranus opposition on the seventh, but too much stimulation can have a negative effect. Having too many options and going through too many changes can leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed. Stop and take a breath, Aquarius. Don’t be in a rush to make important romantic decisions.

Another stressful opposition, this time between Venus and Uranus on October 12, could bring unexpected changes to your love life, but they most likely won’t be long term. Single Water Bearers can meet new people now, but the potential for a fling is greater than for a marriage or longer-term partnership.

You might encounter a lot of resistance during the Mars-Saturn square on October 27, and it’s so frustrating that the harder you try the greater you fail. Why can’t everything just go the way you want it to? This transit seems like it’s out to prove that love isn’t easy.


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