Taurus – 2023 April Monthly Love Horoscope

Logical Mercury, the planet representing technology and travel, pairs up with your patient sign and first house on April 3, helping you apply common sense to romantic problems. If your favorite dating apps are glitching or flight to see your long-distance love is canceled, look for logical ways to deal with these types of annoying c*ckblockers.

Lovely Luna is full in balanced Libra on the fifth, reminding you that everything has a way of working out eventually. Whenever you get impatient that things aren’t happening fast enough, let this fair-minded lunation point out that all good things come to those who wait.

There’s some strained energy surrounding the Venus-Saturn square on April 14 that slows down or stops the romantic progress you’ve been making lately. Instead of trying to push through the unpleasantness, why not take a break until you feel up to the challenge? Trying to motivate yourself to do something when you’re just not into it is nearly impossible.

Fortunately, the sun enters your composed first house on the twentieth, giving you a lot to look forward to in the coming month. This is when your perseverance will pay off for you, Taurus. If you’ve still got some fight in you, lower your horns and get ready to defend what and who is most important to you.

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