Aries – 2023 April Monthly Horoscope

Aries, it could take a while to integrate the changes brought about by last month’s major planetary shifts. With the sun now in Aries, you’re ready to engage with fresh ideas and new opportunities. And with expansive Jupiter in your sign for some weeks yet, there will be no stopping you. And yet you might sense that to get ahead there’s one thing that really needs to be released. If you’ve refrained from doing so, this month could act as a catalyst to encourage a positive shift.

The full moon in Libra on April 5 has a very healing quality that could lead to improvement in certain relationships. If feelings come to a head, you’ll easily be able to smooth things over or perhaps work wonders with a heart-to-heart talk. This might be a good time for a romantic date or a gathering of friends that you will really enjoy.

Sweet Venus leaves Taurus and moves into Gemini on the tenth, so your vibe will be engaging and persuasive. You’ll find it easy to make new friends both online and off, and you’ll enjoy linking up with siblings and other relatives for a chance to catch up.

Aries, the big news for you is the solar eclipse in your sign on April 19. It angles toward underworld Pluto, newly in Aquarius, and so it could be a real game changer. This brings you the potential for a fresh start by finding closure on issues that have thwarted your progress for some time.

On the twentieth, the sun moves into Taurus, encouraging a time of consolidation. Over the coming four weeks you can apply structure and routine to plans you’ve recently started and get them underway. You’ll also be more concerned with finances and growing your money.

Finally, Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus on April 21, which could cause delays in financial affairs for three weeks or so.

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