Daily Tarotscopes – March 3, 2025

Daily Tarotscopes – March 3, 2025

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Monday, March 3, 2025 by zodiac sign.


Eight of Wands It’s time to step on the gas, Aries. What do you hope to accomplish this week? If you haven’t made any progress, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Your intuition will guide you, so don’t be afraid to follow the momentum. This period holds potential for rapid growth. Go for what you want, Aries. It’s already yours.


Ace of Pentacles The winds of change are blowing, Taurus. Each day is a new opportunity, and you can sense a new and exciting period unfolding right before your eyes. Plant seeds, now. Nurture your long-term goals and let the rewards come naturally. Do what you know you need to do, and watch progress do its work. 


Knight of Wands, reversed Your actions are incredibly powerful, Gemini. This card serves as a reminder to use discretion and thoughtfulness before being quick to make a decision.  Consider participating in an activity that aligns with your goals, even if it’s just for the moment. Be who you want to be.


Ace of Wands The future is bright and bold for you, Cancer. This is a wonderful time to dream big and to believe in yourself. What are you most passionate about? How can you channel your energy in that direction? 


Eight of Swords How is your thought life, Leo? Your mind holds the immense power to be a liberating or bondaging place. You may notice some harmful mentalities.  However, you aren’t bound to stay in what is familiar. The good news is that becoming aware of something you don’t like is half the battle to overcome it. 


Eight of Pentacles, reversed Are you feeling demotivated or unpassionate about something you once loved, Virgo?  When you lose interest, it can mean many things. Do you need to tweak your current goals or do you just need a break.. Experiment with both to see what makes you feel like your usual self again.


The Lovers, reversed Did you think you need space from a relationship, but now realize you don’t want it anymore? Relationships go through difficult times and really good ones.  When you reconnect with your partner, you may have a greater appreciation for what you share because things took a turn in a different direction. 


The Star Believe in your dreams, Scorpio. The universe outpours insight and wisdom to you. And, what you get as a gift is meant for you to share with others.  Who can you help right now? What person have you not spoken to in some time who may appreciate you reaching out to check in?


Justice, reversed Life can sometimes feel unfair, and when you sense that a person, project, or situation was treated unkindly, say something.  It’s never easy to stand up for yourself, but with practice, you’ll see that it’s always best to self-advocate. If you don’t, who will?


Six of Wands Look at you, Capricorn; your confidence levels are increasing.  Not only will others recognize the boost of self-esteem in you, but your work and everything you touch will turn into gold.


Three of Swords Has someone hurt your feelings by a decision they made recently? You are in a position to heal from the inside out. Take time to work on yourself.  Don’t be afraid to have friends, but keep a little distance when it comes to love. Self-work often makes emotions appear confusing. 


Four of Swords Kick back and relax today, Pisces. You’ve earned a day off, and it’s good to reward yourself with something for all your efforts. Go for a treat.  Enjoy some time in nature or eat ice cream. Find something you love to do and savor the peaceful flow of your life.


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