Daily Tarotscopes – February 25, 2025

Daily Tarotscopes – February 25, 2025

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, February 25, 2025 by zodiac sign.


Eight of Swords Release regret from the past, Aries. You are free. You have nothing to lose by moving forward with your life.  That’s why things from the past don’t get to come with you beyond what’s considered a memory. When you’re ready to move ahead in your life, go for it, and leave what is in the shadows behind. 


Nine of Cups, reversed Don’t be your own worst enemy, Taurus. Make a decision here and now to allow yourself to be happy.  It only takes a simple decision to follow your heart. What makes you feel glad when you’re doing it? Pursue it without holding back.


Three of Wands, reversed Are you judging something, and it causes you to feel like you can’t use it to create your dreams? Every once in a while, the universe can test your determination so you can see that you really want what you say you want in life.  When you get less than you had desired and have to wait, use that time wisely. Consider your big why so you can recommit with renewed energy.


Tarot card : Ten of Wands, reversed Are you happy? Letting things go for a little while can be hard to do. But relief settles in when you surrender your time and energy toward a greater goal.  Try not to worry about things you can’t control. Do what you can to focus on things that you love.


Death, reversed Know your life purpose. You can lose a lot of time, energy and resources floating through life.  But, this tarot card is letting you know that by having a clear and defined purpose, you feel more confident and full of hope.  You may not know how to make things better, but what about starting with prayer? 


Seven of Cups, reversed Isn’t it amazing how mentally clear you can be when free of guilt or negative emotions? Your desire to keep the good vibes going may be met with some turbulence.  Today’s energy may be what you need to move forward with great confidence. When it kicks in, you’ll know.


Two of Wands, reversed Have a sense of humor. When unsure of what direction to take and still need to move forward, a sense of humor can go a long way.  Situations open to you at the time they are meant to be. It may not feel right at the moment, but later, you’ll understand everything. 


Six of Cups, reversed Make peace with how things went down in a relationship you no longer appreciate being in.  You may want to change or show adjustments. You may also feel forgiving and ready to enjoy whatever life brings.


The High Priestess, reversed Be in tune with your intuition and deepest feelings. These inner callings and urges are for your highest good. You can see things how you need to see them. You’ll have clarity of mind, which will give you improved focus when making tough decisions. 


Five of Wands The closer you are to someone, the greater the odds that you’ll get into an argument. Some friends seem to bicker about little things, but it’s merely venting and not for you to solve.  Today, listen more and use intentionality to understand life and people better. 


Knight of Wands Travel can be so good for your health — emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  See the world, Aquarius. Travel broadly, even if you’re just around your neighborhood. 


Ace of Wands, reversed Are you tired of managing everything in life without being able to take advantage of its offers?  Today prioritize your joy and pursue your dreams. Everything happens when it’s supposed to do so.


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