What’s Coming for Your Love Life in 2019

What’s Coming for Your Love Life in 2019

Believe it or not, a new year is here, and it’s time for your 2019 love and sex horoscope! Whether you’re single or attached, you’re sure to be wondering what 2019 will bring in terms of exciting romantic moments, sexy experiences, and even deepening commitment or taking an existing bond to the next level. This final year of the decade promises to be filled with change-making aspects, which could take your romantic and sexual connections to a whole new level.

Here, how each sign can expect the astrological highlights of the year to shape their love life. (If you know your rising sign, you’ll do well to check out that sign’s forecast, too.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Around February 2, when romantic Venus in your ninth house of adventure harmonizes with Uranus in your sign, you’ll have a fiery shot at shaking things up with your partner—or experiencing an unexpected connection with someone new. Either way, if you’ve been craving change and hot sparky chemistry, this major aspect may bring it. And with the majority of eclipses this year—on January 5, July 2, July 16, and December 26—landing in cardinal signs and affecting your fourth house of home life and tenth house of career, you’ll be challenged to find more balance and fulfillment between your closest relationships and professional goals.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Uranus’ long-term shift into your sign on March 6 promises to set the stage for major changes in your life over the course of the next seven years, but circle August 26 and November 28 when it cozies up to Venus in your fifth house of romance and then in your ninth house of adventure. As long as you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone, you’re could enjoy a passionate connection like you never have before. From October 31 to November 20, communicator Mercury’s move backward through your seventh house of partnership will require you reassessment of your current situation or previous patterns.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Feeling torn between your work and desire to deepen a commitment with a significant other might be a theme of the year, thanks to three tense squares—on January 14, June 16, and September 21—between luck-bringing Jupiter in your seventh house of partnership and dreamy Neptune in your tenth house of career. Thankfully, the eclipses in your eighth house of intimacy on January 5, July 16, and December 26 are sure to give you clarity around your ultimate emotional needs and help you zero in on the ideal path forward.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

If you’ve been unclear on personal and relationship goals, this is the year to pinpoint answers. The solar eclipse in your sign on July 2, as well as three eclipses in your seventh house of partnership on January 5 (solar), July 16 (lunar), and December 26 (solar), are sure to break you out of your rut and open your eyes to exciting romantic possibilities. By reflecting on stale narratives that no longer serve you (especially when the planet of communication Mercury is retrograde in your sign from July 19-31), then letting go, you’ll be able to write yourself a stunning new love story.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Around January 21, the lunar eclipse in your sign and the final eclipse in a series that began in 2017 is a natural culmination point. Time to shelf any outdated beliefs and toxic relationship patterns for good, so you can move forward in a healthier, happier, and even more fulfilling way. Then, you can look forward to February 2, when the Venus-Uranus trine lights up your fifth house of romance and ninth house of adventure and gives you a taste of just how breathtakingly colorful and exciting the future of your love life will be.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

With lots of eclipse action occurring in your fifth house of romance this year (on January 5, July 16, and December 26), chances are you’re destined for more fun, flirtation, and spontaneously magical evenings with a lover than you’ve had in a while. You’ll also be challenged to shift your thought patterns and approach around romance and sex. Around August 26 and November 28, Venus (first in your sign, then in your fifth house of romance) will harmonize with game-changer Uranus in your ninth house of adventure, and allowing yourself to get swept away could give way to serious sparks flying.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

This year’s eclipses are especially significant for cardinal signs, and on January 5, July 16, and December 16, the moon’s effect on your fourth house of family life may create shifts at home, perhaps urging you and your partner to put in loving work to bolster your bond. And when Venus harmonizes with Uranus in your eighth house of emotional and sexual intimacy on February 2, August 26, and November 28, you may be surprised by just how lovely it is to see your partner—and yourself—in a sexy new light.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Around January 13, June 16, and September 21, expansive Jupiter’s square to dreamy Neptune in your second house of values and fifth house of romance challenges you to consider how you may be spending far too much time dreaming and over-idealizing versus taking action. This reality check could help you fulfill your greatest desires. While communicator Mercury is retrograde in your fifth house of romance from March 5 to 28, you could run into or find yourself daydreaming about lovers from the past. You’ll do well to reflect on how these feelings and lessons can shape your current and future relationships.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

With lucky Jupiter in your sign up until December 2, abundance in all areas—including love—is sure to be yours! On January 22, the expansive planet links up with Venus in your sign, setting a joyful, loving tone that could make your most romantic dreams come true. On February 2, the planet of love harmonizes with game-changer Uranus in your fifth house of romance, offering a chance to be bold and spontaneous with your lover. The itch to switch things up and follow your heart is tremendously supported—and gratifying.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Three eclipses in your sign—on January 5, July 16, and December 26—in your sign have you doing some serious soul-searching. Spending time on self-care and self-love is crucial and can super-charge your ability to go for what you want, need, and deserve in your most intimate relationships. Be sure to assert your needs especially around the solar eclipse in your seventh house of partnership on July 2. The intentions you set can have an intensely reverberating effect.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Around January 21, the lunar eclipse lights up your seventh house of partnership, requiring deep reflection and concentration to complete an ongoing project with your current or ex-lover. What you learn about yourself in the process can be extremely useful as you enter a whole new relationship cycle that will surely look and feel quite different than it has over the past two years. Changes may also pop up on the homefront, thanks to revolutionary Uranus in your fourth house of family life beginning March 6. On December 15, owning your needs in a powerful way could strengthen your bonds all around.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

You’ll do well to embrace opportunities to meditate on your emotional past and current desires while communicator Mercury is retrograde in your sign from March 5-28, in your fifth house of romance from July 19-31, and ninth house of adventure and higher learning from October 31-November 20. Doing the work during these times could mean feeling more centered while enjoying your dreamiest love connections. Around July 2, the eclipse in your fifth house is the perfect chance to take a new approach to romance that is empowered and self-loving.


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