Leo: Sun in Scorpio Horoscopes

Prepare for a powerful emotional reset, Leo! With the Sun in Scorpio activating your fourth house of home and family, this transit urges you to focus inward, on your roots and emotional foundation. You’re likely to feel more introspective than usual, as Scorpio’s deep, transformative energy pulls you toward matters of the heart, family dynamics, and your sense of security.

You may feel a strong desire to transform your living environment. Whether it’s redecorating, moving, or simply clearing out old clutter, this is the perfect time to make your home a sanctuary. Family relationships also take center stage, and you might find yourself reconnecting with loved ones or addressing unresolved issues within your family. Scorpio’s intense energy encourages honesty and healing, so now is a great time to mend old wounds or deepen bonds.

On a more personal level, this transit could stir up emotions you’ve buried, urging you to confront past experiences or childhood memories that still influence you. Don’t shy away from the healing process, Leo—it’s through this transformation that you’ll find greater emotional strength and security moving forward.

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