Daily Tarotscopes – September 20, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – September 20, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Friday, September 20, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Nine of Cups

Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, your environment impacts you, Aries. This includes people, places, habits, etc. However, this knowledge can be power: you can alter things to make your goals easier to attain, and surround yourself with people with qualities you wish to grow in.


Tarot card: The Hanged Man

Your intuition will guide you to which way to go, Taurus. Though your intuition may not reveal the entire picture, it may give you nudgings or feelings about certain things. Though you may not understand why it’s saying what it is, lead where they follow and trust. For example, you may feel an action should be postponed or that you are waiting for the right time.


Tarot card: Ten of Cups

Pursue the people who make you feel safe to be fully yourself, Gemini. You, in your personality, looks, and it all, have something unique to offer and deserve to be celebrated. However, remember that even some of your favorite things aren’t loved by some. Just because you may not be someone else’s cup of tea doesn’t mean there aren’t people who will cherish you for who you are.


Tarot card: Ace of Swords

The power is not just in thinking about a course of action you will take but in acting on it, Cancer. You have many ideas and aspirations, and it is prudent to consider different factors before fully jumping into something. However, thinking (or overthinking) can become a hideout for you, preventing you from actually doing what you want out of fear. By becoming aware of this, you can stop fear from hindering you.


Tarot card: Six of Wands

Like a butterfly cannot see the beauty of its wings, you are blind to much of your beauty, Leo. You can’t see the beautiful ways others view or cherish you. It can be easy to be harsh on yourself, but this is a great time to give more space for grace and compassion. At the end of the day, you are doing your best, and that is all you can ask of yourself. Having a mean inner voice constantly beating you down won’t help.


Tarot card: Knight of Pentacles

You don’t need to learn all your lessons firsthand, Virgo. You can consider the wisdom of those you have come before you. You can do this by asking questions to people with more experience or looking to books and podcasts.


Tarot card: King of Cups

When you get overwhelmed thinking about the big picture, simplify. Anxious thoughts and questions can race through your mind, but you can bring stillness back to your spirit through a grounding truth or affirmation.


Tarot card: Seven of Pentacles

Good things take time, Scorpio. Sometimes, it takes more time than you thought it would take. When you encounter these moments, release in faith and let them grow patience within you. Just because things don’t occur on an anticipated timeline doesn’t mean they aren’t divinely happening at the perfect period. While going through it, you may find joy in falling in love with pouring into what you’re doing rather than fixating on the outcome that is out of your control.


Tarot card: The Moon – Reversed

Have you been battling a lot of fear and anxiety lately, Sagittarius? The good news is the tide is turning, and the sun is coming up. You may feel relief from these negative energies. It may be easier for you to trust and rest in a clear mind. Though it may take some intent and effort, a breakthrough may be just around the corner.


Tarot card: Six of Cups

You are never too old to return to child-like, joyful activities. There is wisdom in allowing yourself to freely enjoy life and get lost in the flow of activities. It doesn’t make you immature to enjoy moments of laughter and play with loved ones. This is a great time to be intentional about devoting time to your friendships and having fun. Let your inner child run free, Capricorn! Reflect on what you may have loved in childhood and what you might want to try again; it could be painting, drawing, writing, making videos, or something different.


Tarot card: Ace of Wands

Your biggest obstacles are opportunities to prove your capability, Aquarius. You can be fearful or intimidated when facing challenges, but they should be afraid of you! This is a wonderful time to unleash your inner strength and increase your faith just a little bit more. You can handle all that comes your way, Aquarius.


Tarot card: Judgement – Reversed

As humans, you won’t always be right, Pisces, and that’s perfectly okay. Sometimes, things aren’t what they seem or are different from what you hoped. In those moments, gather yourself and feel free to move on. You have numerous more extraordinary things ahead and don’t need to get tripped up on one thing that didn’t work. Failure is not permanent or shattering; it can be just one step in reaching success. You’ve got this, Pisces!


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