Leo: Full Moon Horoscope September 18, 2024

Leo, get ready to release and renew! The Full Moon in Pisces is shining a light on your 8th house of transformation, intimacy, and shared resources, signaling a time of deep emotional release. This is a powerful moment for letting go of anything that’s been holding you back—whether it’s an old grudge, emotional baggage, or unhealthy patterns. The energy of this Full Moon is about cleansing and regenerating, so don’t be afraid to confront those deep, intense feelings.

On the flip side, this lunar phase could also bring financial matters to the forefront, particularly those related to shared investments or debts. If you’ve been working on a financial goal with a partner, you might see some progress or closure. But more than just money, this Full Moon is about vulnerability and emotional intimacy. How open have you been with those closest to you? You may feel a pull to connect on a deeper level with a partner, allowing for more trust and understanding to flourish.

Expect transformation, Leo. This Full Moon is guiding you through a cycle of rebirth, where you can finally shed the old and make space for something much more aligned with your inner power.

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