Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2024

Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2024

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

No more egregious problems at work, Aries! Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today, which should mean that your work life will be radically easier compared to this past month. Hopefully, you learned from the retrograde, so that you do not repeat the same mistakes during the next Mercury retrograde. Meanwhile, you could feel like something is kicking off, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. It might be a project that is near and dear to you, so you may want to keep it under wraps while working on it.

TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Get the ball rolling, Taurus. Your creative blockage should lift as Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today. The last month may have been stifling if you felt uninspired and dispassionate about your projects. Thankfully, that should cease starting today. Perfect timing too, given that you may feel more inclined to pursue a passion project, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. The cosmic energy is perfect for getting something off the ground at work. Use this to your advantage, instead of waiting any longer to start a new endeavor.

GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Hopefully, your work-life balance will return to normal, Gemini. You should not experience any more snafus with your schedule or priorities, because Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today. The past month might have been overly stressful, especially if you struggled to keep up at home and at work. Luckily, you may feel more stable. As your energy builds, you should think about what you want to focus on, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. It might be time to prioritize financially advantageous opportunities, like applying for a new job or looking for a side hustle.

CANCER Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

There should not be any more major miscommunication, Cancer. Thankfully, your miscommunication streak should end when Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today. The last month has not been easy if you struggled with getting your point across, and understanding your coworkers. Luckily, you should see an instant turn in energy, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in your sign. You may feel like you are finally being heard by your coworkers. Nobody will take offense if you are direct and honest. Your conversations might even be more straightforward, since there are no hard feelings. 

LEO Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Financial inconsistencies should subside, Leo. The last month may have been more financially stressful than usual. As Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today, you may feel increasingly confident in your financial decisions and habits. You may also experience less financial problems starting today. However, this may only work if you adopt a different outlook, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. Long-term financial stability will be reinforced by your subconscious perspective and approach to money. There might also be an innate subconscious reinforcer for you to go after your financial goals.

VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Hopefully, your confidence will resume, Virgo. Take pride in who you are as a professional and what you have overcome at work in the last month. You should feel more self-assured in your professionalism, as Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today. Colleagues and work friends alike could also compliment you on your growth, since Mercury in your sign will sextile Mars in Cancer. You may receive words of praise when you least expect it. It could even come from colleagues who are incredibly ambitious and attuned to your professional growth. 

LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Expect to feel mentally and emotionally lighter, Libra. You have not had an easy time handling your work stressors over the last month. Luckily, you should feel more self-assured as you move forward, because Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today. You may feel less stressed, or less bothered by everything that has happened. It could even be evident with how you move past stressful situations, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. Colleagues could remark on your perseverance and strength to overcome anything that may stand in your way at work.

SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Who are your true friends, Scorpio? Your so-called work friends have revealed their true colors over the last month. You may feel differently about your connections, be it on or offline. As Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today, think about who you want to keep in your circle. Your professional connections matter, since these individuals can help further your professional journey. You may even see a significant difference by the end of today, because Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer.  One of your connections could reach out with an awesome opportunity for you to consider. 

SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Set your eyes on your desired career path, Sagittarius. You may have struggled to find your calling this last month. Maybe you lacked clarity about what to do, or confidence to do it. Regardless, you may feel more self-assured of your vocation as Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today. There could even be a chance to set something in motion, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. You may have a financially advantageous opportunity to pursue. The cosmic energy could also help you feel generally more empowered to go after whatever you want to accomplish.

CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Where will you go next, Capricorn? You may have experienced more delays with your professional journey from this last month. There could have been travel issues, educational problems, and other snafus. Luckily, this should officially come to an end, as Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today. You may feel like it is full steam ahead, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. There could be a chance to jump on a professionally advantageous opportunity. Do not hesitate. Just act. You will not regret taking up the chance to move forward in your professional journey.

AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

You could feel more financially empowered, Aquarius. The last month could have encouraged you to confront your financial fears. You may have had to address deep wounds, and other innate problems that may have held you back from work. As Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today, you may feel significantly more in control of your financial estate and decisions. There might even be an opportunity to pursue in your work life, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. You could open the conversation of a raise, promotion, new position, or benefits if you want to.

PISCES Daily Work Horoscope September 11, 2024

Do not be afraid to commit to something new, Pisces. You may have hesitated to agree to a new working relationship, obligation, or contract. Be rest-assured that now is the time to move forward, as Mercury retrograde’s post-shadow period ends today. You may have a chance to pursue something new right away, since Mercury in Virgo will sextile Mars in Cancer. There could be a passion project, or fun venture in your work life that you want to partake in. You could even have an idea to pitch. Put it out there to see where it may lead to.


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