Daily Tarotscopes – August 26, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – August 26, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Monday, August 26, 2024 by zodiac sign.


7 Pentacles

Hi, Aries!!! Your level of preparation is the key to your good showing on the academic front. So keep at it. Professionally, your wise investments in terms of your time and energy are going to pay you rich dividends now. Your work is likely to be going smoothly and you will be reaping the rewards of past efforts – what is happening now or in the immediate future will be a direct result of what you have done in the past. Monetary gains could make your day happiest.


2 Swords

You may be made answerable for something that has gone wrong at work. You may feel cut off from your near and dear ones, the state of confusion is likely to be faced today. Whether to continue for the existing relationship/job or go in for better option this question will keep on bogging you. Prioritize your needs. Make sure that your relationship remains high on your priority. This is not a great time to invest or speculate.



Stay in the moment and give a fair look in all areas of your life whether you are making balance. Pay attention to how you are keeping a sense of balance in your life. Moderation is the key word which you need at this time for living a sensible and healthy life. You might be interrogated, investigated for your work, so be honest in your deals. Over ambitions and temptations could give you nothing, remember short way to success is not rewarding at all.


Page of Swords

You have great deal of mental and physical energy today which enables you to face the challenges the day has stored for you. If you have taken job recently, other employees could feel jealous of you and try to harm you. If you’re looking for work, and facing interview today, you may need to behave with a great deal of humility in interviews to land the position you’ve been hoping for. Be cautious with contracts. Over confidence could give you a jolt.



Love prospects look gloomy today, there could be disheartening on romantic front. Those looking for love will feel constraint. There is a likelihood of encountering someone irritating person on the social front. Be careful in striking a real estate deal, as chances of getting hoodwink look real. Sign any document after a thorough study. Your timing for starting something may not be favorable.


10 Pentacles

Money from other sources may augment your earning and keep you financially sound. Socially you will simply enjoy interacting with people from different walks of life, on domestic front; there could be a family discussion. A property may come into your name soon, you will be able to enjoy a few tender moments today with the one you love.


8 swords

Your desires and wishes are likely to be interpreted by someone close to you. Be cautious of people unhealthy intention- This can range anything from someone cheating at a pick-up poker game to someone trying to frame you at work for something serious. The bottom line is basically to cover your tail, make sure you are doing things the right way, and then you’ll have nothing to worry about, even if someone is out to get you. Take care of your belongings today.


Queen of Cups

For some falling in love is a foregone conclusion, so get set for an exciting phase of life. You may be called upon to undertake a task which will raise your image on the social front. Being too much of emotional would make the situation out of control in relationship. So make a positive start on the romantic front that will give you oodles of confidence.


4 Swords

You need a break and contemplate the things and happenings around you. The hectic pace of life could make a toll on you. Someone on the social front may prey upon your time, so be diplomatic in shedding him or her off. Improper handling of funds/finances needs to be guarded against. Try to improve your performance and learn from the past mistakes.


King of Pentacles

A new source of revenues may open up and help tide over your financial problems. Your efforts at work are likely to get rich rewards today. Money inflow will be good, and accumulation of funds is your prime concern today. You are proud of your achievements and willing to show others your prized possessions. You have skills to manage your routine affairs efficiently. Work hard, methodically and conscientiously.


3 Pentacles

Work pressure will increase and make you exhausted. You will need to crystallize your aims. If you expect to get what you want don’t bank upon others to do favors for you as this will only waste time. This is an excellent time for investing in property, as you could be easily avail the bank loan or financial aid. The quality of work is appreciated by your seniors and this will give boost to your career.


Queen of Pentacles

Your focus is money and financial security family. You earn good money. Money flows in from unforeseen sources. You are thoroughly business-oriented and highly enterprising. Today you focus in any activity that provides the ability to generate more wealth or more business. You are able to make any venture successful and can find a business opportunity almost anywhere!


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