Daily Tarotscopes – August 19, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – August 19, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Monday, August 19, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Page of Swords

You may get motivated to take up an exercise regimen. The day turns out to be a potpourri of mixed results and is marked with your attitude. Your head remains high whether at work or at home; you are not in mood of compromising. You live on your conditions. People may be offensive towards you but gradually they will realize the potential you have and the depth of your ideas. You get the acceptance finally.


Queen of Wands

You have the ability to create a world of your own and make a mark of yourself. You may find your drive to excel on the academic front. You are amazingly creative and focus on work today. There is good news of promotion or appraisal. Self confidence keeps your morale high. You are in position of power, and authority. You can handle any situation with your intelligence. Your dreams are big and so are your actions.


5 Pentacles

Don’t push things on the financial front as you may spoil your chance. Your money, power and prestige all are at stake better you stay grounded. A small mistake could make you guilty. Be cautious of your and parent’s health. You would have to borrow some money from your friend in emergency, but you may be denied. Lose of money, relationship, or financial crisis is on the card.


2 Wands

A suitable match for the eligible may be found. You may be seeking a marriage or business partner who can act independently and decisively. This is a good day of wish fulfillment. The relationships have taken a new meaning as your boundaries fall a little more into place. Existing relations will be more reliable and strengthened. Those in love may plan something special on the romantic front.


The Hangedman

Indecision, confusions could mark your day. You may find yourself stuck between two choices. The intervention of third party in relations could make situation worse try to handle problems all by yourself. If you are single and looking for life partners this is not the time to come to the conclusion in the selection. All alliances seem to be perfect, you may make wrong choice. You could find better match in the time to come. Leo Weekly Horoscope |Leo Weekly Love Horoscope |Leo Weekly Career horoscope |Leo Weekly Health Horoscope|Leo Weekly Tarot Horoscope |Free Daily horoscope |Free Monthly Horoscope


10 Swords

You may need to take stock of a current situation. You feel as if you have lost your true self. Boundaries made by others would make you unable to live life of your own. Learn to share your agony, your lows with whom you feel closer. If you are looking for job or appraisal in your existing job, you find all roads block and nothing coming in your plate. You need some time to yourself. Think well before investing as you can regret if you are hasty.


King of Wands

It is time to sharpen your focus on the career front. Though you are in high spirit and have abundance of energy which you will use in creative pursuits. You are wise, open, positive, and adventurous and rich in vitality. Commitments and responsibilities, whether personal or professional make you a person of substance as you are honest and persevering. People will have high esteem about you. Powerful position or designation is on the cards.


The Moon

If you don’t like something, it is better to say it out now, than protest later. There is hidden rivalry at play that may unravel your success. Enemies are active and could harm you. Don’t disclose your working plans to any one today. Illusions and imagination could keep you away from the harsh reality. Let go of your mental blocks and allow your intuition to guide you. Take out time for meditation and relaxation.


Page of Pentacles

This is a good day for you; you are thoughtful and resourceful and can find new venues, new opportunities which would be gainful. Students feel concentrated towards their goals and those who are waiting for the placement; this is the time when an unexpected call knocks at the door. You are naturally at ease with yourself and others. Children may make you feel proud today.


2 swords

Marinating a safe distance and steering clear of all workplace controversies is the way to go. You may need to put across loud and dislike for someone taking liberties instead of tolerating his/her nonsense. A deal threatens to slip out from your hands due to lack of perseverance. So keep your ears and eyes open and sharpen your focus on the career front.


10 cups

You are likely to enjoy yourself today in the company of your near and dear ones. Something achieve at work may get you praise. Someone is likely to become interested in you on the romantic front. Victory comes with efforts especially if you are in competitive situation. Marital relations will be strengthened and fulfilling. A happy home dream come true and you feel elevated. Birth of child, marriage is on the card.


The Emperor

A challenging situation needs to be dealt with firmly, someone close may need support so spare time for him and her. Although you do well all by yourself hiring or seeking advice from expert will certainly enhance your performance. You feel stabilized in personal and professional matters both. Your views and ideas will be accepted at work place, as your maturity and experience will bring desirable changes.


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