Daily Tarotscopes – July 28, 2024

Daily Tarotscopes – July 28, 2024

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Sunday, July 28, 2024 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Ten of Pentacles

The floodgates are going to open for you, Aries. You may have experienced some financial setbacks recently; however, good things come to those who work hard and are patient.

You will receive an opportunity or some type of offer that allows you to make things better. The blessings can unfold overtime. You’ve climbed the mountain of hardship; now it’s time to slide down to the other side.


Tarot card: Queen of Pentacles

You have a soft side that you typically don’t allow the world to see. Maybe you’re afraid to be taken advantage of in business or by people who depend on you. While keeping certain boundaries is wise, it’s nice to allow your tender nature to shine, too.

Instead of keeping your sweet and nurturing nature all to yourself, allow others to see your tenderness. It could be one of the many things that brings more loyalty and closeness into your relationships.


Tarot card: Five of Cups, reversed

Try not to be so hard on yourself. You may feel like you need to punish yourself lately for making a mistake. You’re human. You may make many mistakes now and in the future. Rather than being overly judgmental about something you wish you had done differently, learn from the experience.

You wouldn’t be so hard on a friend, would you? If not, be kind to yourself, too. See what you can do better, and love yourself through the process of change.


Tarot card: Eight of Pentacles, reversed

Each day is an opportunity to shape your relationship. You can do small acts of charity and kindness. Be a good listener. Say, “I love you,” even when it’s hard.

Be a friend to the people in your life. Showing you care in small ways sets the tone for a powerful, rock-solid, and trusting relationship.


Tarot card: Six of Wands

Pat yourself on the back, Leo. You will hit the perfect stride to reach an important goal. The energy you want can match the momentum you take to make this day productive. If you have a lot of errands to run, this is the time to do it.

Don’t let the day go by without making the most of it. Getting more done in a short amount of time today means you’ll have more freedom to do fun things you want to do with friends and family later in the week.


Tarot card: Ace of Swords, reversed

Confusion happens. You may be emotionally attached to a situation that doesn’t allow you to understand the full picture. When you don’t have all the facts, it’s so easy to feel like you can’t make a decision, let alone do something to help.

There may even be a sense that you aren’t being told the whole truth about a problem. This is the time to sort through the mess and see if you can improve your point of view. There’s no reason to rush into anything until you feel more confident.


Tarot card: King of Swords, reversed

You don’t have to boast about your accomplishments or talk about them if you feel uncomfortable in the limelight. Some people desire to do great things and never take any credit for it. Their joy is in the result. You might be one of those people.

Today, you may make a bigger impact but still prefer to remain quiet in your strength and influence. There’s no wrong in being a silent warrior for a good cause.


Tarot card: The Sun

Your presence shines brightly, Scorpio. You bring joy into the lives of others because of your spirit and optimism. There’s a saying about Scorpios: when one enters your life, you can’t remain the same.

You’re a catalyst to change in both big and small ways. If you ever feel small or inconsequential, try to see that your life does have meaning and matters — more than you even realize.


Tarot card: The Chariot

Each day comes with its fair share of challenges and obstacles. Sometimes, you’ll want to quit, but the Chariot tarot card is a signal to hang in there until the end.

Your tenacious will to never give up is what will have you standing with the winners in life. You get to enjoy the fruits of hard work and effort. You can have what you want because you earned it.


Tarot card: Six of Pentacles

You are a smart and savvy saver with high earning potential. You may want to buy many things, but you’re also sensible enough to know you have to work within a budget. This is why it’s important to pay attention to your finances and make wise choices today.


Tarot card: Death

All things have a beginning and an end. Sometimes, you must change a routine or lifestyle habit simply because it has put you in a rut. You are ready to make your life more interesting, so it’s time to say goodbye to sedentary activities.

Say goodbye to staying home at night to watch a show. Make plans. Go to the gym. Visit with a friend. Plan to join a Meetup group and get busy. Socialize!


Tarot card: The Emperor

There’s a time for peace, and then there are moments when you must show strength. You don’t like to create tension between you and another person; however, today, you may need to let others know you’re not a doormat or a person who can be taken advantage of without a fight.

State your boundaries loud and clear, Pisces. Let people know that you’re easygoing but there is a lien in the sand that should not be crossed.


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