Leo – Mercury in Leo Horoscope July 3 – 26

It’s your time to shine, Leo! With Mercury transiting your sign, you are at the center of attention. Your natural charisma and confidence are amplified, making this an ideal period for self-promotion and pursuing your ambitions. Whether in personal or professional settings, let your true self radiate and captivate those around you.

Your communication skills are particularly strong during this transit. Use this to your advantage in negotiations, presentations, or any situation that requires persuasive speaking. Your ability to articulate your vision will inspire and motivate others to support your goals.

Creatively, this is a period of heightened inspiration. Dive into artistic projects or hobbies that allow you to showcase your talents. Don’t be afraid to take bold risks and express yourself authentically.

Advice: Embrace the spotlight and confidently pursue your dreams.

Warning: Avoid coming across as overly self-centered; remember to listen to others as well.

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