Aquarius – 2024 July Monthly Horoscope

If you like your romance novels to contain a good twist, you’ll love this month, Aquarius! Your love life has more drama than usual when Mercury pairs up with Leo on July 2, and you might find yourself doing and saying things that are quite out of the ordinary. Adopting a more flamboyant style produces some interesting surprises.

On the twentieth, dominant Mars invades Gemini’s open-minded airspace, driving you to pursue intellectual stimulation and engage in witty banter. If you’re single, you’ll be drawn to potential lovers or partners who love a good debate and challenge you mentally. If you’re already in a relationship, you appreciate each other’s sense of humor more than usual. This is a good time to create more inside jokes.

More twists and turns are around the corner during the unpredictable Mercury-Uranus square on July 21, especially when it comes to communication. Getting a real DM from a celeb or a graphic, racy text from your partner while you’re at work pumps up the adrenaline. Is this real life?!

The hot sun opposes Pluto while in your rebellious sign on the twenty-second, creating potential issues with power and control. Do you really want someone you just met to see this side of you? Or, if you’re with someone, is acting passive-aggressively really the best way to express your anger? Probably not. This isn’t the time to be petty. Be a grown-up.

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