Daily Tarotscopes – September 26, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – September 26, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Tuesday, September 26, 2023 by zodiac sign.


6 Pentacles

You may owe money to someone today. Friend in need may ask some financial help from you or you just spend some money in charity and welfare activities. Debts, bank accounts, loans and other fiscal documents should be updated and taken care of. In relationship you will be magnanimous and generous and look after your loved ones with great care.


Knight of Wands

This is a good day, you feel very energetic, hopeful and enthusiastic. You simply charge forth with your ideas and visions to make things happen. Your confidence levels will rapidly increase and you will feel ready to take on the world with your vision. A short travel is indicated, or just may shift your office/cabin or even your residence.


4 Swords

This is a period when you take your work most seriously. A lot of time and thought goes into getting things scheduled and organized. Your thought process takes front seat. You find all your answers in introspection, and know instinctively what needs to be done to make something work. You may feel aloof and introvert and won’t want to share your ideas to anyone not even with your loved ones.


2 Wands

Today is great day for achievement. Your personal goals are clearly visible. You step outside of your comfort zone and explore new worlds and new experiences with the confidence of self-knowledge. You know what your goal is, what your creative process is directing for you, and you are confident in its eventual fulfillment. Some good news is on the card.


The High Priestess

You are calm and want to finish your work quietly. You may feel unable to speak your mind freely and will hold back, and most likely it will be problem with your spouse that you are unable to voice. Your intuitive powers are high today but speculation is not advisable. However, in legal or financial matters you need to play your cards closely.


Knight of Swords

You are filled with unbounded energy and plenty of opportunities to make money today, put both in creative pursuits. Else you waste it in petty matters, and you shall only have yourself to blame if you cannot handle the opportunities being thrown at you. Avoid haste, jealousy and arguments, as these are complimentary to failure only. Stay focused, be content rather than let the opportunities slipping away.


9 Swords

You may feel restless and insecure about the future. Your expectations are high and things seem to be unattainable. Hypothetical ideas are not for you just now. You would rather know the real value of something in order to find its right place. Fear, confusions, and apprehensions mark your day. Keep them aside and go ahead with confidence and positive attitude.


7 Swords

You should have a bit of patience before your career matters start stabilizing. Delays could frustrate you today. You may face criticism, rivalry and opposition. Trust on others may prove costly; someone close such as relative, land lord or neighbor could play foul with you so sharing working plans with anyone is not advisable. Make sure that you have kept your valuables safely.


Ace of Swords

You participate in various activities and. Interviews, exams, competitions will take your time. You are also in mood to experiment with platonic love as intellectual friends or lovers attract your attention. Get ready busy socially as well. Written communication and correspondence needs attention, be gentle and soft in your approach and expression.


7 Pentacles

You could be forming new ideas about the way money should be handled in future and looking for ways for enhancement in investment potential. It will be a good idea to check all aspects of a project you are working on and discover where you can benefit. You can expect good financial inflows and settlement of disputed money which has been stuck up.


Page of Wands

A great day for job seekers!!!You can get a call from the company you have been interviewed or just join your first job. You may feel out of the world as your career is starting from today. This is a good day for those couples married; news of conception or child birth will please them. There is time to plan and begin to set up new goals.


7 Wands

Work seems to be somewhat complicated, but your stand is firm and you are determined to achieve the set targets. You may stuck up between two choices, both seem to be nice, which to follow, and which one to leave. You may have to make a tough choice with regards to money or even in love. Don’t sacrifice your integrity just for a buck; ultimately your self esteem and your spiritual well being will suffer. Money can’t buy those things.


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