Daily Love Horoscope – August 29, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – August 29, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

You have likely felt as if you have been spinning in a tide pool of nostalgia for over a month, Aries. This continues most potently until September 3, so you are almost to the tail end! Yet, even some residue will even linger on until October 8. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, is currently retrograding in the zodiac sign of Leo. Always eager to pursue romance and expression, the lion teaches us to be bold in the pursuit of our desires. During the final remaining days of this retrograde phase, reflect on how you do so and how you can better shift your sails to even more happiness. Just don’t look at life through rose-colored glasses, or you could end up regretting it later.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

We are nearing the end of one of the most karmic periods of 2023, Taurus. This is because sweet Venus, the planet of pleasure and your ruler, has been orbiting in the zodiac sign of Leo and will be retrograde until September 3. While this will still put you in the mood for love, laughter, and fertility, you won’t be seeing these themes clearly. You may feel disconnected from reality or ultimately lost in an internal heart fog. If exes or old flings return, it’s an ideal time to find closure and release the baggage. If you still want to reunite, see if you’ve both grown. Keep your wits about you for the final remaining days!

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

In recent months, the stars have been so aligned for love, sex, and dating, Gemini. This is because sweet Venus, our planet of beauty and attraction, has been ignited on the throne of the zodiac sign of Leo. This is a tremendously positive moment for all singles to line up new suitors, meet as many people as possible, and potentially meet a twin flame! However, as she will soon finish up her retrograde on September 3, it could mean that if you have recently met in the past month, you may not be on the same page. Be sure to go especially slowly, taking it day by day. Soon the fog will pass.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

The universe has been dazzling, even if slightly peculiar in recent weeks, Cancer. This is because sweet Venus, the goddess planet of pleasure and decadence, has been shimmering in the zodiac sign of Leo. This is one of the best periods ever for all dating and matters of the heart, regardless if single or attached. Singles have had a higher possibility of connecting with many sexy options and beginning a sizzling relationship. However, with her presently retrograde, it has been especially important not to jump in too quickly, as you could end up bruised. Instead, be sure to step on the brakes and tread carefully rather than ignorantly believing “this is the one.” Know that we are nearing the end of this cycle on September 3!

LEO Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

The most karmic cycle around relationships in 2023 has been occurring for over a month now, Leo. Sweet Venus, the goddess planet of attraction and beauty, has been ignited on the throne of your zodiac sign but has been in a retrograde phase! This means that all themes that your zodiac sign rules have had a touch of majesty and magic to them, but we have also been reflecting on and reviewing these themes. In the zodiac, you rule passion, dating, courtship, fertility, and fun. Reflect on how these aspects of your life are present and if you’re enjoying them to the fullest. This may have even brought people from your past back for you to face. Know that we are nearing the end of this cycle, which will be officially done on September 3.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

With Venus retrograde on full blast for the past month, everyone has been feeling the confusion, Virgo. This is because it has been taking place in the zodiac sign of Leo, which rules passion, romance, true love, fertility, and creativity. Venus, too, naturally rules these same themes asleep, so no one has seen matters of the heart clearly. Karmic connections from the past — perhaps even past lives — may have recently re-entered your life during this period. This could be for closure and healing, ultimately releasing the cycles we had been repeating. However, it could also give us a rare chance and reignite the rapport once and for all. If there’s anyone you’d like to reach out to, do so while the doors are open prior to September 3.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

Nostalgia has been echoing throughout the heavens in the past month, Libra. When Venus was direct in Leo, all of the themes that the lion rules saw extra luck: fertility, children, fun, games, hobbies, romance, dating, and courtship. Yet, as your planetary ruler is still retrograde until September 3, we are lost in a fog, uncertain of what lies ahead or where we should tread. Karmic relationships from your past may have crossed your path. But reflect on whether they have been merely ripping open a wound you had tried to heal or forget. On a positive note, you could find closure once and for all. If you’d like to give it another go, just proceed with extreme caution. Strike quickly, as this cycle will end very soon, and the door will shut.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

A particularly rare retrograde phase has been upon us in the past month, Scorpio. This is because Venus, the goddess of beauty and romance, has been moving backward, causing us to feel nostalgic. Yet, with it taking place entirely in the zodiac sign of Leo, the one that rules courtship, fertility, and passion, we’ve been feeling it ever more strongly! This is a key time to reignite your inner child and embrace more magical moments that set your innocence free. Disconnect from drama, reflect on what has brought you to be here now, and above all, let your heart guide you! Capture the energy prior to September 3!

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

Venus has been retrograde in the zodiac sign of Leo for over a month, Sagittarius. This has brought a great collective focus to all of the themes that Leo rules: romance, dating, courtship, hobbies, creativity, fertility, and children. However, we have needed to look at them from a different perspective. This transit lasts until September 3, so don’t just leap headfirst — or heart-first — into anything, and above all, don’t look at life through rose-colored glasses. You might be sorely licking your wounds down the line if you weren’t stepping forth with a stable and grounded perspective. Nostalgia has been coloring your heart.

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

With Venus, our goddess planet of love and beauty, dancing backward in the zodiac sign of Leo for over a month, everyone has been in a tizzy, Capricorn. Dig deep into your heart, soul, and intuition now. You will find many answers are unlocked from within there. This transit will only last officially until September 3, so if there’s anyone you’d like to reconnect with, find closure with, or rekindle a spark with, now is the time to strike! Life isn’t about waiting for other people, but karmic astrological cycles like this one can aid us in seeing life from a new lens and uncovering jewels we may have lost prior to their destined time.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

You have been dancing in a spiral of nostalgia for over a month and will continue to do so until September 3, Aquarius. You could even be unpacking everything that is happening now until as far as October 8! With Venus retrograde in Leo, you have been given a chance to truly assess all of the themes that the lion rules: romance, fertility, creativity, courtship, and fertility. On a positive note, you may have reignited your desire to feel like a kid again and live vibrantly in the moment. Just don’t shirk all responsibility and blow off your priorities in the last remaining days! 

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope August 29, 2023

Sweet Venus, our goddess planet of romance and beauty, has been ignited in the zodiac sign of the lion for quite some time, Leo. As she ventures through Leo, she has brought glittering luck to all matters that the lion rules: courtship, true love, passion, creativity, and fertility. However, with her now retrograde still until September 3, we have likely been taking a microscope lens up to these themes and assessing how we’ve pursued them over the past eight years. Take some time to review your life, understand where you currently stand, and consider how you can reignite your spark for life more passionately than ever before.


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