Daily Love Horoscope – August 28, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – August 28, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

Unplug from the universe today and tune out the world if you can, Aries. You likely felt this energy building. Yet, with the mighty sun, our great luminary, clashing with an icy Saturn, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to do so! This cosmic war makes you face the truth when it comes to challenges, struggles, and hardships. This energy could make you feel quite lonely and depressed, especially if you’re dealing with already lower levels of mental health and anxiety. Do your best to find peace, balance, and choose mindfulness rather than feeding drama into relationships.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

We are standing yet again in one of the darkest periods of the year, a carryover that lingers from yesterday into today, Taurus. This is because the mighty sun, our greatest luminary in the sky, is now residing within your solar fifth house of true love, romance, fertility, and passion. While this would normally just be a euphoric time, he will stand across the sky from icy Saturn, now peering aggressively from his perch in your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and online dating. In a sense, this will make you feel depressed and could pull you to choose between your romantic partner and a friend, as they appear to have no intention of getting along.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

Restrictions, hardship, and challenges began to arrive yesterday and are lingering into today yet again, Gemini. In fact, you’re facing one of the most difficult periods of the year. This is because the mighty sun, our great luminary, now in your solar fourth house of home, family, and domesticity, will be cast beneath the icy shadow of Saturn in your solar tenth house of career. You will surely feel under the weather and depressed and may experience hard truths and ultimatums if you are living with your spouse. If single, it’s highly unlikely you’ll have any energy or desire to meet someone in love now.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

If you thought the days leading up to this were challenging, they will even linger into today, Cancer. The mighty sun, our great luminary, is spinning joyously in your solar third house of ideas. However, he recently caught the icy gaze of a scathing Saturn across the sky in your solar ninth house. This shows that if you’ve been making plans with your lover for travel or are already on the road, bad news, a tragedy, or challenges could pop up. If you are dating someone from afar or looking to move for a distant lover, you may realize today that it’s never going to work out.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

Tremendous struggles began yesterday and have somberly echoed into today, Leo. This is because the mighty sun, your ruler, in your solar second house of wealth, has become crushed by an icy Saturn across the sky in your solar eighth house of settlements. This shows that if you’re going through a divorce or separation, horrible news could appear now, leaving you with none of your needs met or an ex who is trying to scheme their way with all the loot. For those in more harmonious relationships, you’ll still feel depressed, miserable, and frustrated at every turn.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

One of the most painful periods of the year is here to face you as a carryover from yesterday, Virgo. In fact, you could find that great heartbreak, opposition, or break-up is here. This is because the mighty sun, the brightest luminary in our sky, continues his trek through your zodiac sign in your solar first house of identity. Yet, icy Saturn stands across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of partnerships, which means that a relationship will be put to the test. Solid relationships could use this time to reconfirm their decision to work as a team, but any rocky ones will surely go their separate ways.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

You tend to handle struggle well, Libra, trying to be a pillar of strength for those you love and care for. However, yesterday and today will likely test your mental health to such a great degree that you feel like you’re reaching your breaking point. As the mighty sun, our great luminary, continues to stir the pot in your solar twelfth house of privacy, secrets, and seclusion, he will wage war with the Great Taskmaster, Saturn. This ensures you’ll feel like you’re under a dark cloud as everything seems to trigger you. Don’t take this out on a lover. Talk to a relationship counselor or therapist if you need to. 

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

Dark days began yesterday, and the energy lingers into today, Scorpio. You tend to persevere more powerfully than most other zodiac signs. But sometimes, even you can’t maintain the strength to just act like everything is okay. In fact, you’re facing harsh truths and bad news when it comes to both romance and friends. The mighty sun, our great luminary, continues its spin through your solar eleventh house of friendships, communities, and online dating and has hit an opposition with a crushing Saturn in your solar fifth house of true love, dating, and children. This ensures significant drama and likely reaching a breaking point.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

Yesterday and today, you could quite literally make you feel miserable, frustrated, and heartbroken, Sagittarius. It may even feel as if you’re just under a heavy, dark cloud. This is because the mighty sun, our great luminary and the ruler of ego and consciousness, will have his light obscured by a fierce Saturn across the sky. This meeting of fire and ice happens just once a year and often signals the most depressing and painful periods of the year. Don’t make important decisions in your personal or romantic life. You aren’t thinking clearly and could end up regretting it.

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

You may feel like you’re in a battle of wits, debates, and fierce intellectual wars that began yesterday but are lingering into today, Capricorn. As the mighty sun, our great luminary, spins in the skies of your solar ninth house of wisdom, he has become chained down by icy Saturn now in your solar third house of ideas. This shows that you could realize you and a partner are just not seeing eye-to-eye or that you’re seeing major opposition to your plans and goals. Either way, make sure that you’re taking some time to unplug and chill out rather than throwing barbs at a significant other who will also be having a bad day.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

Drama is afoot both yesterday and today, Aquarius. This will be especially impactful for you, as your planetary co-ruler, Saturn, is having his annual meeting of fire and ice with the mighty sun across the sky. This is an extremely unpleasant energy to navigate and may make you feel drained, broken, and like you’ve lost all of your self-esteem, especially around your libido, sex life, and trust in your partner. This detachment will be quite frustrating, but rather than making rash decisions, perhaps decide to just unplug and relax in solitude rather than fighting.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope August 28, 2023

Yesterday and today will test your relationships more than any other time of the year, Pisces. In fact, you could feel like the entire world is against you, especially your significant partner. If you’re in a relationship, you could realize you’re just not seeing eye-to-eye and are at a breaking point, perhaps even so much so that you must break up and go your separate ways. Singles may be able to fly under the radar a bit with this energy but will still likely feel limited, depressed, and handling low self-esteem.


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