Daily Love Horoscope – August 26, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – August 26, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

All Mercury retrograde periods bring their own flair, Aries. This is due to the zodiac sign it is taking place in. Mental Mercury is the planet of the mind and retrograding in Virgo, so with him asleep, we are encouraged to look at the details in our lives and how we can better achieve a healthy work and life balance. Also, because Virgo is a zodiac sign that loves to be nurturing, this may be on the top of our minds. However, because our cosmic messenger also naturally rules this zodiac sign, the Mercury retrograde effects may actually be even more noticeable.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Mercury is the fastest-moving celestial object after the moon, Taurus. Wherever he retrogrades, we notice a revision around the themes that this zodiac sign rules. Currently, he is asleep in Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign like you, which means that you share very similar characteristics, temperaments, and modes of living, and it also means you may acclimate to the changes better than some other zodiac signs despite your stubborn nature. Virgo likes to be practical, grounded, and giving, as well as kind and nurturing, so taking a mental approach to how you incorporate those energies into your life is a great way of using this transit for the better. 

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Your planetary ruler, Mercury, is a speed demon in the heavens, Gemini. Yet, because of that, he also can be a trickster and get into a tad bit more trouble than the other planets and celestial objects! During his retrograde phases, he encourages us to review, revise, and reconsider the themes that the zodiac sign he moonwalks within embodies. As he spins in the heavens of Virgo, he will shake up this earth sign’s grounded and practical energy. This will help you to reassess, re-analyze, and understand the details of your life and relationships. Consider how you make pleasure, romance, and intimacy a part of your routine. Go for it!

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

You’re used to ebbs and flows because your celestial ruler is the moon, Cancer. She goes through many changes quite rapidly. Next in line, though, is mental Mercury, who races back and forth through the heavens! During his present retrograde, he is moving through Virgo. This ensures that he will help us to be practical and grounded about any decisions, especially around revisions and changes in our love lives, work-life balance, and how we nurture ourselves and others. Consider how you can make more time for a healthy lifestyle with your significant other.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Mercury retrograde always comes with a different set of issues we must readdress, Leo. Depending on the zodiac sign that he is touring, we will distinctly notice that we have to face the truth around everything that it rules. Presently, as he moves backward through the gardens of Virgo, he is testing you to review how you build your love life and relationships tangibly and affectionately. Now is not a time to make any big changes or decisions, but it is a positive period to contemplate and openly discuss your thoughts. You may improve your path forward.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Presently, mental Mercury is moseying through the degrees of Virgo, Libra. During our cosmic messenger’s journey through Virgo, we are focused on our earthy, elemental energy and how we can be givers to those whom we care for. Tap into your nurturing, domestic flair. Or if you haven’t been able to make time to do so lately, now is a great time to consider why you haven’t. Another important thing we can learn from the present Mercury retrograde phase is that life is all about balancing priorities, so if we do not buckle down and make time for love, love will never find us.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Presently, mental Mercury is moseying through the degrees of Virgo, Libra. During our cosmic messenger’s journey through Virgo, we are focused on our earthy, elemental energy and how we can be givers to those whom we care for. Tap into your nurturing, domestic flair. Or if you haven’t been able to make time to do so lately, now is a great time to consider why you haven’t. Another important thing we can learn from the present Mercury retrograde phase is that life is all about balancing priorities, so if we do not buckle down and make time for love, love will never find us.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Mercury retrograde periods often make many of us groan and run for cover, Scorpio. This will be especially true now because mental Mercury is retrograde in a zodiac sign it is domicile in — or rules — causing the effects to be especially pronounced. As he moonwalks through the fields of the zodiac sign Virgo, we must be honest with how we are being tangible in our emotions, desires, and affections. Consider how you structure your life. Are you making enough time for dating, pleasure, romance, and love? Or are you consumed by your responsibilities? Assess the truth now.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Mental Mercury always keeps you on your toes, Sagittarius. Depending on the zodiac sign he dances within, he will take on that particular color and flair. Presently, he is in Virgo, encouraging us to focus on this earth sign’s grounded, sensual vibes. Yet, he is retrograde, which will cause us to truly assess if we are being present in our lives and relationships or simply focusing on being busy. If there has been any confusion about your personal or romantic life, use this energy to ground yourself and truly assess the facts and the details. You can do it!

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Mental Mercury has been spending a long trek in a fellow earth sign Capricorn. As he rolls through the grass over the degrees of Virgo, you’re more supported than other zodiac signs. Our cosmic messenger always takes on the energy of each zodiac sign that he tours. Yet, his retrograde phases encourage us to buckle down and know the truth about where we stand—and how we need to pivot and move in a new direction. Now is a key moment to truly understand where you place your time and attention.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Mental Mercury is moving along like a mischievous little child, Aquarius. He is never afraid to rock the boat! Whichever zodiac sign he stands within, he will take on their qualities and energetic frequency. Presently, he is in Virgo. Virgo is symbolized by the Virgin, who is ever-giving, resourceful but also kind, compassionate, and nurturing. Yet, during its retrograde phases, he encourages us to turn within and understand everything this zodiac sign rules. Now is a good time to see if you’re allowing your work and life balance to build you and your relationships or not.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope August 26, 2023

Our cosmic messenger, mental Mercury, likes to shake things up and give us his own form of tutelage, Pisces. He brings a great deal of insight to us depending on which zodiac sign he orbits within. Right now, he is in Virgo, which helps us to assess our responsibilities and routines in our lives and relationships. Use this energy to truly understand how you’re building a healthy work and life balance and making time for fun, dating, and casual interactions. Don’t just get bogged down by work! There’s a time and place for that, but it is not right now.


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