Libra – 2023 July Monthly Horoscope
In general, representatives of the zodiac sign Libra will have a fun time in July 2023. It will be either a continuous or periodically repeated holiday or holidays. Perhaps birthdays, weddings, and christenings will merge into a continuous flow, or perhaps something pleasant will happen in the lives of the Libras themselves, worthy of celebrating with a small family celebration.
However, there is no honey without a drop of tar. It is in July that people will appear in the lives of representatives of this sign who will become extremely irritating. Libras will act wisely if they avoid confrontation. Most likely, their interests will be so different that they will never intersect, so they can just wave their hands and show loyalty. Just take it as a rule – treat others as they treat you. The only problem that could spoil everything is a decision made by one of these close people that they will take as representatives of this zodiac sign. However, there will be no opportunity to refuse, and these imposed obligations will eventually be easily shrugged off. Libras will be able to act as they deem fit and as it benefits them. That is why it is not worth raising a fuss about infringed freedom – it is easier to give in than to spoil one’s nerves in arguments and even offend people for whom Libra’s forced participation in their affairs may come as a complete surprise and be someone’s disservice.
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