Taurus – 2023 July Monthly Horoscope
July 2023 will remind representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus about their phobias. It will be some small and, most likely, insignificant incident that will make them think about what they are really afraid of. Initially, these thoughts will be lazy and even ironic, like “you’re a grown adult, and afraid of the dark like a kindergartener.” But the topic will not let them go all month, and Taurus will realize that it’s not that simple. After all, what is the fear of the same darkness? It is a hint that the person experiencing the phobia is afraid of finding themselves in a situation where potential obstacles and dangers are invisible. In real life, unpleasantness can be hidden, which a person either doesn’t want to notice (and then they run away from difficulties) or cannot (and then one can talk about a mismatch with their place). Perhaps Tauruses will come to the conclusion that they subconsciously refuse to notice obvious things because of their reluctance to get involved in a fight or they may even realize that they chose the wrong profession. Either way, just by analyzing their fears, Taurus will understand something very important about themselves. Representatives of the sign will have a chance to change their lives for the better.
In addition, the depths of consciousness may open up to Taurus, which they have not yet penetrated. And then it will turn out that the reasons for phobias need to be sought not where they are used to looking. Most likely, some childhood memory will make representatives of the sign look for a point from which something went wrong, go back in time, and correct their destiny. Perhaps the circumstances that always scared them will turn out to be completely harmless after such serious thinking, and Taurus will be surprised that they were held captive by illusions for so long.
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