Leo – 2023 April Monthly Love Horoscope

There’s a bright full moon in gracious Libra on April 5 that targets your communication zone. You’ll walk a fine line now between wanting to be honest and not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. Unfortunately, Leo, there will be a lot of times when you can’t have it both ways. And your words will sting.

On the tenth, love-seeker Venus leaves the comfort of Taurus, a sign she rules, for restless Gemini. You want to keep your options open now, but if you aren’t single, this can cause issues in your relationship. Duh.

The sun, your planetary hero, leaves the excitement of Aries to partner with calm earth sign Taurus on April 20, lighting up your tenth house of career and recognition and helping you become a star at work. All this attention on your job makes your love life a distant second on your list of priorities, but how often does an opportunity like this come along?

The twentieth also brings a sun-Pluto square that ramps up your need to be in control. It can also trigger some painful or unhappy memories from past relationships in which you felt like you lost yourself. Forgiving an ex for the way they treated you is hard, but forgiving yourself for letting them treat you that way is even harder.

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