Libra January 2023 Horoscope

Libra January 2023 Horoscope

Your domestic zone is highlighted until January 20, Libra, making this a good time to get organized and get your home shipshape. If you feel like doing a thorough cleaning after the holidays, you might want to go one step further and give your place a fabulous makeover. It’s a good time to use fresh colors and a whole new look to welcome in 2023.

There’s a powerful full moon in your sector of career and ambition on the sixth, which is best handled with care. You might be tempted to share your feelings in a very public way, but you could come to regret your actions later. Try to cut down on the stress in your life and give yourself more opportunities to unwind.

With lovely Venus, your personal planet, moving into Aquarius on January 2 you’ll be in your element both creatively and romantically. The cosmos encourages you to take the time to enjoy yourself.

Feisty Mars turns direct in your sector of travel and new opportunities on the twelfth. If your energy level has been low or you’ve lacked motivation, you’ll soon get back up to speed. And if key projects have been languishing on the back burner, this is the time to dust them off and start them up again.

The sun glides into Aquarius on January 20, so the coming four weeks encourage you to tap into your skills and talents and indulge in your favorite hobbies. It’s a chance to put down the work projects and take up activities that fill your heart with joy. You can attract people who love what you do, so it’s also a good time to proactively showcase your skills both online and off.

Finally, the new moon in Aquarius on the twenty-first is one of the better times to launch an important project, entrepreneurial idea, or anything else you want to work on. And if you’re eager to take a romance to the next level, now is the time.


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