Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

Don’t be afraid to negotiate for your dreams today, darling Aries, as chatty Mercury connects with auspicious Jupiter. This celestial exchange can also help you peel back the layers within your most intimate entanglements, so don’t be afraid to reveal new truths about yourself. However, you may want to keep a cooler demeanor later in the afternoon when the Leo moon squares off with Mercury, which could lead to miscommunications and hurt feelings. You’ll feel a shift this evening when Luna moves into Virgo, giving you an opportunity to get caught up on your to-do list while focusing on wellness.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

You’ll feel secure and uplifted by your romantic and platonic relationships today, dear Taurus, as Mercury blows a kiss to Jupiter. This celestial exchange will act as a cosmic nudge that it’s time to reconnect with your family and friends, so be sure to send a few friendly messages. You’ll notice a shift this evening when Luna moves into Virgo, putting you in an extroverted mood. Unfortunately, a harsh connection between the moon and Venus could lead to power struggles within your relationships, especially if you feel like your partner isn’t on the same page as you or moral disagreements ensue.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

The universe will support your to-do list this morning as Mercury connects with Jupiter, helping you stay focused and uplifted as you tend to your responsibilities. However, you may need to take a break later in the afternoon when the Leo moon squares off with Mercury, which could put you in an irritable mood if you haven’t been mindful about tending to your needs. Incompetence within others could also be triggering, but try not to lash out at others for making innocent mistakes. The vibe will shift this evening when Luna moves into Virgo, making it a great time to unwind at home.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

Speaking with confidence will bring you rewards today, dear Cancer, as chatty Mercury blows a kiss to auspicious Jupiter. Use your voice when it comes to reaching your goals, and don’t hold back on communicating with the other side as well. Insecurities may brew later this afternoon when the Leo moon squares off with Mercury, making it a good time to lay low and find your center. You’ll feel a shift as evening settles in and Luna moves into Virgo, bringing a thoughtfulness your way throughout the next two and a half days. Just try not to overextend yourself helping others, or your own agenda could suffer.

Leo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

It may be difficult to stay on top of your to-do list this morning, dear Leo, as the moon forms an unbalanced aspect with Pluto. This cosmic climate could also cause you to feel low energy, and injuries or health issues from the past could cause you mild discomfort. Luckily, a sweet connection between Mercury and Jupiter will bring some sparkle into your life, though you may need to give yourself permission to lay low and relax. An emotional energy could find you later in the afternoon when Luna squares off with Mercury, but try not to lash out if you’re feeling tense.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

The universe will encourage you to do a bit of flirting this morning, dear Virgo, as chatty Mercury blows a kiss to glimmering Jupiter. Unfortunately, an unbalanced aspect between the Leo moon and Pluto could cause you to hold back, especially if you’ve been burned by love in the past. Watch your words later in the afternoon when Luna squares off with Mercury, which could cause you to say something you later regret. Luckily, you’ll begin to feel more centered and in control as the moon enters your sign this evening, though a harsh square to Venus suggests you may want to lay low at home.

Libra Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

Look for opportunities to invest in your wellness and peace of mind today, dear Libra, as Mercury and Jupiter share a sweet alliance in the sky. These vibes will give you the cosmic green light to spoil yourself a bit, though your focus should be directed toward health and feeling good. Watch out for rocky vibes later in the afternoon when Luna squares off with Mercury, though disappearing into your electronic devices could cause you to disconnect from the beauty that surrounds you. You’ll feel a shift this evening when the moon moves into Virgo, putting you in a morose headspace.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

People will respond well to your confident demeanor today, dear Scorpio, as Mercury and Jupiter share a positive connection in the sky. These vibes are perfect for being unapologetically yourself, which could open doors and bring unexpected luck your way. However, you may want to tone it down later in the afternoon when the Leo moon squares off with Mercury, choosing instead to approach the world with a reserved and composed aura. Your boundaries may also be challenged during this time, but don’t feel guilty about taking a firm stance or walking away from people who refuse to respect your space.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

You’ll have an opportunity to find light where darkness once prevailed, dear Sagittarius, as Mercury shares a sweet connection with Jupiter. This celestial exchange will give you a chance to dig deep while bringing compassion and healing to your heart. Meanwhile, the Leo moon will ask you to tap into your spirituality, especially later this afternoon when it squares off with Mercury. Use this energy to embrace peace, but try not to pressure yourself into making sense of complex issues lingering in your psyche. You’ll notice a shift this evening with Luna moves into Virgo, putting you in a serious and grounded mood.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

You’ll have an opportunity to forge new connections within your social sphere this morning, dear sea-goat, as Mercury and Jupiter share a sweet aspect in the sky. Don’t be afraid to link up your peers with one another, especially if it can help a friend find new opportunities. However, you may want to take a social break later in the afternoon when the Leo moon squares off with Mercury, which could result in short fuses and miscommunications. Luckily, the vibe will improve as evening rolls around and Luna moves into Virgo, activating the sector of your chart that governs spirituality and luck.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

You’ll begin to see payoffs for all the hard work you’ve been doing today, dear Aquarius, as Mercury forms a sweet connection with Jupiter in the sky. This cosmic climate could result in praise from your peers, new opportunities, or perhaps a raise, though you may need to ask for the rewards you so deserve. Just try not to negotiate for advancement later in the afternoon when the Leo moon squares off with Mercury, which won’t put people in the mood to say “yes.” You’ll notice a shift this evening when Luna moves into Virgo, making it a good time to cleanse your aura and space.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Wednesday – November 16, 2022

Major blessings could find you this morning, dear Fish, as Mercury blows a kiss to Jupiter. These vibes are perfect for a manifestation meditation session, so be sure to sit down and let the other side know what your intentions look like. Watch out for wonky vibes later in the afternoon when the Leo moon squares off with Mercury, which could cause you to become overwhelmed by details. You’ll notice a shift later tonight when Luna moves into Virgo, putting you in the mood for love and romance, though a square to Venus could bring tension to your relationship.


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