Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

You’ll have a keen ability to see what others are trying to hide today, dear Aries, as perceptive Mercury connects with Neptune. This celestial exchange can also help you feel more comfortable being vulnerable with others, especially when it comes to your most intimate relationships. Consider taking a break from others in order to nurture your own needs this evening when Luna forms a supportive aspect with Chiron. A sweet alignment with the nodes of fate will ask you to consider your dreams for the future and how you can emotionally invest in the highest path of your choosing.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

Look for ways to relax and bond with your friends today, dear Taurus, as chatty Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune. These vibes are perfect for seeking escape with your support group, especially if you’re still recharging from the workweek. Flashes of insight may find you this evening when the Cancer moon connects with the nodes of fate, so be sure to take note of any brilliant ideas that crawl into your psyche, as they could hold the key to your highest path. Good vibes will flow as Venus blows a kiss to Pluto, bringing a spiritual element to your love life.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

The universe will ask you to get serious about your wellness goals today, dear Gemini, as Mercury shares a supportive connection with dreamy Neptune. Though you might have to get a little strict with yourself to implement new routines or habits, you’ll feel much lighter within your mind, body, and soul if you start taking steps toward healthier living and mindfulness. Take a moment to ground and acknowledge your deepest feelings this evening when the Cancer moon aligns with the nodes of fate, helping you break cycles and find release. Meanwhile, Venus blows a kiss to Pluto, strengthening your ability to manifest transformation.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

Give yourself plenty of space to dream today, sweet Crab, as cerebral Mercury forms a supportive connection to ethereal Neptune. This cosmic climate will give you an edge within your creative endeavors, though you’ll find working with your spirituality to be significantly fulfilling as well. You may feel the need to implement boundaries as evening rolls around and Luna squares off with Chiron, so don’t feel guilty about taking time out for solitude. Luckily, you’ll feel like socializing before the moon connects with the nodes of fate, encouraging you to nurture your relationships.

Leo Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

The stars will ask you to organize your space today, dear Leo, as Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune. These vibes are all about bagging up and donating your unwanted items, so you can make space for the next chapter of your life. Ridding yourself of objects that were once sentimental but have since turned sour will be especially therapeutic, so don’t feel guilty about throwing out mementos from the past. You’ll begin to feel empowered and renewed by your freshly organized space later this evening, thanks to a sweet alliance between Venus and Pluto, though it might not hurt to do a little smoke cleansing as well.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

You’ll have a way with words today, dear Virgo, as Mercury shares a supportive connection with dreamy Neptune. This cosmic climate will also elevate your flirtation game, as your charisma and charm will be off the charts. Though love will certainly be in the air, consider investing some time in your extended friendship circle as the moon moves through Cancer. Important bonds may be forged this evening when Luna aligns with the nodes of fate, so be sure to get a bit of networking in. Plan on working on a creative project later tonight, as Venus blows a kiss to Pluto.

Libra Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

You may want to do a little bit of budgeting this morning, dear Libra, as sharp-witted Mercury blows a kiss to dreamy Neptune. This cosmic climate can help you make strategic moves toward your fantasies, especially where large purchases are concerned. Just remember to leave some space for fun and luxury, as these vibes also encourage leaning into the finer side of life. Give yourself some extra space to recover from the workweek as evening settles in and Luna squares off with Chiron. Luckily, a sweet alliance between Venus and Pluto will help you shed your skin from the comfort of home.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

You’ll be tempted to talk about your talents and successes today, dear Scorpio, as Mercury shares a sweet connection with ethereal Neptune. It’s okay if you want recognition for your abilities as long as you make space for others to do the same. Meanwhile, the moon continues its journey through Cancer and your solar ninth house, aligning with the nodes of fate as evening rolls around. This cosmic climate will give you insight as to what the future holds, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Good vibes will continue to flow as Venus connects with Pluto, helping you have deep yet harmonious conversations with that special someone.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

You won’t be able to run from your emotions today, dear Sagittarius, as cerebral Mercury connects with Neptune. Luckily, the energy at play will be soft and dreamy, helping you bring compassion to the areas of your heart and mind that have been experiencing grief recently. Look to the lighter side of life to make the most of these vibes, and consider laying low from the comfort of home. Good vibes will flow this evening as Venus connects with transformative Pluto, making it the ideal time to release that which is no longer serving you through a meditation session or steamy salt bath.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

A light and playful vibe will bring sweetness to your interactions today, dear Capricorn, as chatty Mercury connects with ethereal Neptune. Just remember to take everything you hear with a grain of salt, as people will be in the mood to embellish their stories. New opportunities for love could manifest as the evening settles in, making it a good time to invest in that special someone. Good vibes will continue to flow as Venus blows a kiss to Pluto, helping you scratch below the surface with your extended circle of friends, though you may need to show vulnerability in order to feed such dynamics.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

Give yourself permission to escape from professional concerns today, dear Aquarius, as cerebral Mercury blows a kiss to dreamy Neptune. These vibes will also give you the cosmic green light to spoil yourself a bit, especially if you’ve been placing high demands on yourself recently. Check in with your to-do list this evening when the Cancer moon squares off with Chiron, or you could end up feeling disorganized later. Good vibes will flow tonight as Venus shares a sweet connection with Pluto, giving you an opportunity to set boundaries, practice self-care, and release any grief or stress that’s been plaguing you.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Saturday – November 12, 2022

Your day will light up with signs and synchronicities from beyond the veil, darling Pisces, as communicative Mercury blows a kiss to mystical Neptune. These vibes are perfect for meditation, tarot pulls, or prayer, as you’re likely to receive the guidance and answers you seek. The temptation to indulge in a bit of retail therapy is liable to manifest this evening when Luna squares off with Chiron. However, you should hold off on unnecessary expenses for the time being. Good vibes will flow tonight as Venus connects with Pluto, bringing a flirtatious and meaningful energy to your social sphere.


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